When a person is hella high and actin' really stuip or sayin' sumthing that's really stupid.
by Krystina April 15, 2004
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1. someone who does/says something stupid
2. can be used instead of "tool", "nerd", "dork", etc.
steve was such a tuna last night! he lost his footing on the stairs and fell flat on his a**.
by sabrina April 1, 2004
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Better than commoner tuna, the tuna to die for, usually goes well at balls (the dance).
Commoners ushally invite rich people to their house to "get some of dat fancy tuna"
by RollingPotato August 2, 2017
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Andy's nickname for Jim from "The Office"
I brought a tuna sandwich one day, so he calls me big tuna.
by Miss Chananandler Boong June 28, 2015
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This is a term used to describe women who only lie down silently during sex (and let their partner(s) do all the work).

Known in Japan as ‘maguro-onna’, which literally means ‘tuna woman’.
P1: Hey, how's your new girlfriend?
P2: Oh, she's the biggest tuna women I have ever known...
P1: Bummer.
by Wonderbagel September 15, 2013
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Dude: Yo Bro you wanna hang tonight?
Bro: Nah man I'm pounding the tuna tonight.
by Tygan Jonate Dreid May 31, 2016
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Tuna without added vegetables or other seasonings and/or flavorings that have been chopped and/or prepared by the Slap Chop.
"Stop having a boring tuna. Stop having a boring life."
by BWallenstein May 30, 2009
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