I like 'em, I like hoots, hoots is what I like...
by Thomas the lover of hOOts April 5, 2006
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originating in east san jose, ca; is used to describe something as sketchy, not living up to expectations, or as downright ghetto.
"check out the car i just bought breh!"
"dude, shit looks hella hoots"
by SUPBREEEEHHHH April 24, 2009
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To snort cocaine, crushed pills, etc.
Wanna go hoot some vicodin?
by Bassmaster March 13, 2008
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To mess something up; to completely screw up; fuck up a lot; be a fuck-up in life
"Hey, don't be mad bro, cause you hooted that lay-up!"
by hootyandtheblowfish October 10, 2009
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an extremely attractive woman.
derived from hot
that chick was hella hoot!!
by Derek D'Gilly June 14, 2004
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