A series of comics which turns the characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic into humans, but also uses them into graphic pornographic scenes.
by Broswaggins May 15, 2013
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An extremely large and visible camel toe that looks like it runs from the asshole to the belly button, this is exagerated by offensively tight trousers whilst sitting in an unlady like manner!!!
Whoa tie down the edibles here comes simo wi they leggings again that hairy hoofs goni eat us oot o hoose n hame!!
by methilmings November 25, 2011
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In a ball game where one player just hits the ball and hopes for the best. No thought or direction is put into it.
John: "Pass it here Pete!...or just browny hoof it that works too"
by Stotty575 February 15, 2010
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little known race horse, made famous by the way an announcer quickly pronounced his name.
"Hoof hearted" sounds like "who farted" when spoken quickly.

by Emchone August 7, 2007
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rhyming slang for a 'poof' or homosexual man
person one: look at that shore boy over there, he looks like a horses hoof with his little pink shirt and yellow hotpants
person two: you know it!
by shanos August 6, 2006
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An overweight woman, usually wearing clothing too small. Most women of the Mud Shark variety can be classified as Hoof Beast.
John: Dude, look at that girl. She's got to be 300 pounds.
Steve: Yeah, she's a real Hoof Beast.
by Turbo Beast May 23, 2011
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A phrase/action preformed by "My little pony: friendship is magic" fans. It is the pony equivocalness to a "fist pump" or "bro fist"
Dude, I just got My little pony on dvd!
No way!?!?
*bro hoof*
by Jaxpowers January 19, 2012
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