An online hotel consisting of:
A) Thirty-five year-old men still living in their mothers basement trying to talk to thirteen year old girls
B) Thirteen year old girls
"you missed D&D last night man, where were you?"
"talkin to hot thirteen year-olds on habbo hotel"
by Ducky-face November 2, 2006
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Little people that look like legos run around talking to each other in virtual rooms that they can make themself. Highly addicting. Not worth spending money on, but you can meet some interesting people if you look hard enough. You gotta look hard though. And then theres the dramatic ones that take everything super serious.
Try not to get sucked in so much that you foget to eat though, that could be devistating.
Habbo1: Will you marry me?
Habbo2: omg! ok!
Habbo 1: This isn't working out

Habbod00d: I lost 50 pounds and 12 inches off my waist by switching to habbo!
by Yesss January 19, 2005
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Parents beware - supposedly for people age 13-18 yrs ... i wouldnt let my pre-teen on unless you want them to be sexually approached and learn about sexual 3 somes or more.... the kids at habbo need to get out more and learn proper social skills in the real world and if they need to find a date on the internet well they really do need a life. I think the example below speaks for itself and is a real example utilizing a users name and quotes what that user said in one of the hotel rooms.
cheesepoffs2: anyone girl here want to f*U*C*K me
by concerned parent April 13, 2005
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A hotel which, despite having 7000 peopel online at a time, still only has two cars in the car park. It's a pixellated hotel, you have your own avatar called a habbo and you walk around talking to people. Most of the rooms are; beauty contests, trade rooms, race rooms, beauty salons and mafias. The moderators are called Hobbas and the majority of them have their heads jammed firmly up their arses. Censor words that aren't even rude, such as "mouseindustries", "sonicmouse" and "freewebs" for no apparent reason. Teenagers buy ridiculously overpriced fake furniture for their fake rooms with real money. They charge you £2.50 per blinking month so you can wear special clothes that everyone else who's stupid enough to waste money on Habbo Club is wearing.

Great if you are a loner/rich as hell/all of the above.
by Kay March 20, 2004
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Habbo Hotel is a virtual chatroom where you make a character and talk to other Habbos.
I think Habbo's okay if you're not TOO addicted to it and if you know what you're doing.
Even though it's probably the safest chatroom out there, you should still keep your personal details to yourself.
The problem is, there's way too many child pretadors out over the web today so you really don't know who the heck you're talking to...
For instance; A Habbo that appears to be a 14 year old girl may be a 30 year old man..
But most of all, NEVER give out your Email to someone else because you can't trust ANYBODY over the internet and anyone can find out where you live. (Unless you know them in life of course)
And remember, just because you're over the internet you can't just say anything you want
people have feelings online too :)
Stay safe and have fun on Habbo, and over the web :))
Habbo Hotel is okay if you know what you're doing.
by Linahh June 29, 2006
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A virtual chatroom in which the implementation is somewhat questionable (you can often try to enter rooms and just get kicked back to the frontpage with no error message.), and nowadays 99% of the time, if you enter a room;

- 80% chance of there being an actual constructed queue system
- 80% chance of that queue being stuffed with losers who have nothing better to do, and remain there even if the owner treats them like shit.
- 85% chance of getting kicked while in that queue;
--- 60% chance that it's just on their own whim.
--- 40% chance it's because they see it as the most convenient way to move their 'friend' up in the queue.
--- 40% chance that if you return and ask why you were ejected, you'll get ejected again because they don't want to be shown up as a power abuser.

Those considering this place, I can only suggest you check out Furcadia, which is similar, and more importantly, has (primitive but reasonably powerful) scripting, and doesn't force you to pay for furniture. You might think the fur thing is weird, but it's nothing compared to the contents of Habbo Hotel.
Me: Does anyone here speak english?
Habbo: wtf!!1111
Me: Well, at least I'm almost at the front of the queue now.
You have been ejected.
Me (returning): What was that for?
You have been ejected.
by Snuffkin February 4, 2005
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an evil game; a game which you must play and get all your courses fail =
by Poopy Pear May 3, 2005
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