A grenade is what the fat ugly bitch that is with a group of fine ass women is called. If she gets upset then it "blows up" the time for the rest of the girls in the group or the guys trying to get with them.
Dude go lay on that Grenade for us she is about to get pissy and its gonna fuck it up for all of us!
by Greatest EVR August 18, 2010
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Describes something that is the best and/or kicks some serious ass.
Replacing the dead phrase Da Bomb.
Scoot:That girls ass is sooooo grenades!

Brian: Yea, I would love to pee in her butt
by Eric D. March 16, 2005
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1. fat
2. ugly as fuck

looks as it she was playing a game of hot potato with a grenade and lost
guy 1: i'm drunk as shit...how's that girl look?
guy 2: you mean the grenade?
guy 1: eh fuck it i don't even care
by b_sallz October 21, 2010
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A grenade is a fat, ugly chick. This term was believed to be first released on "Jersey Shore", when Mike "The Situation" referred to the best friend of a girl he brought home as a "grenade".
Mike: Dude, I feel bad for Pauly D right now... he needs to entertain the grenade!
by JerseyShoreLover August 10, 2010
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An unattractive and mildly overweight female that tags along with their hot friend/friends. Can often be spotted at a club holding back her friends from any potential action.
Yo Frankie, can you take care of that grenade while I go for that fine Indian brunette with the banging body?

Bro, last week I took a grenade for you, its your turn tonight!

Grenade-Free America!
by Doc Sus January 11, 2012
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A sexual action when one grabs and then bites ones nipple, then they rip it off like they just bulled the key out of a grenade.
Yeah i gave here a grenade.

Have you done the grenade yet?
by tylertreason June 26, 2007
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1. A woman of cover. Generally wearing all black garb with a veil that covers the entire head except for the eyes.
(best when yelled)
by herrocroser November 13, 2010
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