somone/something that is way, rude, mean, stupid, and boring...(also means someone that is not social)
"I hate that girl, she's so fruit loops"
by shoobi March 6, 2004
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man.. me and my boy had fruit loops for dinner last night.. and dessert
by amanda June 2, 2004
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The thing my science teacher calls us all when we are being dumb-asses, too bad for her she doesn't know what it means, and we do. She could get fired. She stills calls us "you fruit," "fruit loop," and so on.

A gay or homosexual.

That unidentifiably strange loop on the back of dress shirts that serves no known purpose.

A nerd who laughs at their own corny, stupid jokes when no one else will.
M.S.: I'm not gay!
B.C.: Who said you were? Heh heh, God I'm so fucking funny.
McM.: Stop it right now you fruit loops! If you two don't cease this unexcusable behavior right this instant, I will have to report you for fruit-ish behavior.
S.W.: Yeah, cut it out yo fruit.
M.S.: I'm not GAY!!!
by |<|<|< January 1, 2006
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A gay person that could be defined as mentally unstable/bat-shit crazy due to his or her actions.
James fucked five guys last night while standing on his head. He's such a fruit loop.
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The unfortunate result of eating the fruit ringed cereal, generally consistant of a dark, to a moderate light shade of green.
Last night I may have eaten that big bowl of Fruit Loops, but this morning my fruit loop poop made the toilet look like Lucky the Leprechaun's suit.
by Bear Arms April 18, 2011
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a fag; someone who is so retarded they become the vacant hole of a fruit loop; also see ass clown.
get your hands off of my boyfriend you fruit loop.
by neo October 12, 2003
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When you eat too much Fruit Loops and you take a colorful shit
I ate too many fruit loops and now I got a fruit loop surprise
by HalalFriedChicken April 4, 2021
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