Form an abbreviation of "fresh off the boat," originally meant anyone who was a recent immigrant or acted like one, but now used mostly on Asians. It used to be used to describe anyone immigrant-like, but now it is used more often as describing a young person who is stereotypically Asian-American (ex- listening to Korean music, being extremely smart, watching anime, reading manga, etc.). Can also be used as 'fobby,' fobbish,' etc. A common fob pose is making a peace sign with your hands. A less-common usage is as an abbreviation for the band Fall Out Boy.
That new girl is so fobby. She's in AP Stats, has an iPod full of Korean music, and has a bookshelf filled with manga books.


How was the FOB concert last night?
by randomsmileys March 12, 2010
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in australia/new zealand its a short way of saying islander
amy- we got a new kid
john- wat nash iz he
amy- dunn0 lookz fob
john- eshays
by eshayz ladzticks November 10, 2006
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Fat Orange Bitch
Abbreviated to FOB

Typical of the common Essex girl, who indulges in the odd chocolate digestive and lathers herself with fake tan.
"Mate had it off with a fob the other night. Left him with a wotsit!"
by codeine man June 28, 2017
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"Fresh-off-the boat." Ok, the last person who wrote for this dictionary wrote, and I quote, "Asians who can't really talk english good and they talk weird ending words sometimes in plural when you don't need to and making words singular when they are plural." Ironically, the writer also cannot SPEAK or WRITE English WELL. Perhaps a more accuate definition would include a person who is typically from East or Southeast Asia who cannot speak English with correct grammar and tends to have a horrendous accent. Most FOBS do not assimilate to the local culture and stick out also in terms of aesthetic and artistic tastes.
FOB Asians usually have longer hair. They look more feminine, and sometimes may wear unorthodox, unmatching clothes or clothes that one cannont typically buy at Marshall Fields.

Asian Americans usually have very short hair (fades), wear anything from average American clothing (Old Navy) to the trendiest European fare (Gucci). They usually have either very slight accent or none, and their grammar is either very good, with only minor mistakes in articles or count/non-count nouns, or impeccable.
by arahihsi November 24, 2005
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Fresh off the boat. In england fobs usually come from black countries and also asian countries. They are immigrants who haven't adapted to there new society yet. They are also referred to as freshies.
Guy 1: Look at that fob
Guy 2: he's such a freshie
by sbwild88 June 15, 2011
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fobs are teenagers in Qatar that usually go-to pearl every week to fight for no reason, smoke to look cool, hang out with only girls. fob is basically a Qatar f-boy. (not every teenager in Qatar is a fob) fobs also often take jokes seriously and are constantly wearing fake clothes.
girl 1: look omg that guy is kinda hot
girl 2: ew no he's a fob
girl 1: how
girl 2: he smokes to look cool and gets into fights for no reson
by Iamafob January 20, 2021
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A shortened way to say the band name "Fall Out Boy"
Person- "Fob is my favorite band!"
by That1artkid February 14, 2018
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