to fly like a duck at the west henderson football game.
also used to say fuck with out using profane words.
"Hey Fluckface."

"Go fluck yourself."

by westfalcongirl09 March 16, 2008
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A very popular word in the mmorpg game Runescape.
Fluck this shit! Jagex are flucking flaggots!
by 3vu1 dude November 11, 2004
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"hey what was that for"
"sorry i just had to fluck you for being so stuped"
by LeoFlame February 4, 2008
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the way to say duck with a greek accent
vlook at zat budiful fluck
by moderfucker December 8, 2006
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The word fuck but this is how it is said when people with a talking disorder.
Guy-Fuck you
Girl-No fluck you mother flucker !!
by Djaksfdgf June 6, 2011
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1.Verb. The act of having sex, aka fuck, while feeling lucky, also making the other man/woman feeling lucky too. And don't worry, people of all orientations can do this.

2.Adjective.Description of someones stress level.

3.Noun.A mental or tangible gift given from someone.
present tense: Flucking
past tense:Flucked
Future tense:Flucked
1.) "So Jillian, what do you like to do after work?"
"Oh, I like to fluck with John."

2.)"DUDE! I shot the president!...I think I'm flucked."

by MARCKELO February 8, 2008
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