When a male bites a females butt until blood starts coming out, with that blood you use it as loom to give anal to a female. This can only be done in the Florida Everglades while but naked in the middle of the wilderness.
I went Floridian Alligator Biting with Jen and she broke up with me after.
by FloridaMan69420 February 16, 2021
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When a Pre-teen double teams on their cousin with their grandfather
Person 1: Bro did Slaying really do a Floridian Hot Pocket

Person 2: Yeah he dipped both hands
by Stelios987654321 October 24, 2022
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The Florida/Floridian Hand Grenade is the act of pulling the muzzle off of an alligator/crocodile and quickly throwing it either at someone or into the room they occupy.
Man 1: Did you hear about that dude at the fast food drive through? He had a Floridian Hand Grenade and just threw it right in the window.

Man 2: He WHAT?
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The act of shotgunning a busch or natty light during a hurricane while screaming 'Merica!!!!
Shit the storm is coming time for my Floridian Baptism!!! Grab me a beer!!!
by Gnane September 30, 2022
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When one pours their wet diarrhea into a large cup and pours it onto someone.
My boyfriend keeps giving me a Floridian Storm
by Paxider011 February 2, 2022
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Players surround a Lazy Susan atop a Kitchen table or large coffee table. One player is tasked with placing one dose of any myriad of snort-able intoxicant or nasal encumbrance in a neat and otherwise indiscernible pattern affront each participant. The wheel is spun, and each knowing and willing party is given the option to experiment with the unknown specimen that has befallen the space in their immediate vicinity. The last one to remain at the Laziest of Susan, collects the bounty of the fair market value of the combined specimens consumed.
“I’ve already been on a Crab boat in the Bering Sea.My next Thrill in Life; I heard about this thing called Floridian Roulette….its Like Jumanji without all the celebrities. It takes five people, two to four prescriptions, and whatever crystalline powder we can concoct in our bathtubs.”
by Pygmy PieRisHoar January 1, 2022
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The act of having two African American men double penetrating a white man then quickly pulling out and thrusting each penis into the white mans eyes.
Porsche is currently experiencing a Floridian Blackout.
by Mister first class January 11, 2021
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