someone who literally believes in the supernatural, in fantastical unrealistic things that belong in fantasy stories that fly in the face of modern scientific understanding. a person who ignores rational evidence of the way things actually are according to facts, and instead adheres to a worldview best left behind in the dark ages.
a religious person is a flat earther.
by chuckybubbles July 28, 2016
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The peak of the Dunning Kruger effect in action and when logic reaches a state of nonexistence you get a flat earther.

Another way to classify them is much like quantum physics where we have quantum superposition where something can be 2 opposite things at one time in which case they are both smart and stupid but only smart at being stupid.

You see what I did there I killed them with the very thing they despise SCIENCE !!!!!
Me- you know one of the most respected and crucial equations in science is E=Mc2.
Flat earther- No it's P3=N15
Me- Hmmm nope that's what you lack sir that is still living in his mom's basement.
Flat earther- OH SHIT !!! you must be paid by Nasa.
by pwarrow88 November 23, 2021
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Someone thats is stupid and is surviving on one singular braincell,preferably a boomer or someone that dropped out of school and failed every single science test.
That dude standing over there is a flat earther,take out your guns,henry,wake him up
by August 2, 2022
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A person who doesn't believe NASA really visited the moon and that we actually live on a geocentric model.
I'm a flat earther, haven't you noticed how there is never any visible curvature even from photos taken miles up, what happened to 8" of curvature every mile? research it before you dismiss it.
by lolplur July 29, 2016
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1)Someone who was dropped on their head as a child.

2)Someone who became autistic from vaccinations.
"In minecraft the Earth is flat!"
"I hate flat Earthers, I bet they thinks vaccinations don't cause autism
by BooredPersonn June 14, 2019
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Flat earther (noun): One that thinks that everybody that doesn't share his opinion is a sheep. Also doesn't believe a word anyone says unless it came from Facebook.
Normal person: Hey did you hear about this rocket they are launching?
Flat earther: You mean the one that's gonna spray us with mind-controlling devices?
Normal person: Wtf man?
Flat earther: I read it on Facebook
by Atnedr May 17, 2021
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