Comes from the word "hick" and the store "Abercrombie and Fitch." It refers to upper middle class suburbia kids who claim to be redneck, country, or white trash, but own pricey and flashy pick up trucks, wear brand name clothes like Abercrombie and Fitch flannels or Timberland boots, and collect expensive hunting equipment with no knowledge on how to use it. Fitch hicks are popular in high schools in suburban towns where you have to drive at least 15 minutes to be anywhere near a country area or even decent hunting woods.
Person 1: "Hey, why is Frank saying he's white trash? Don't his parents make bank selling insurance?"
Person 2: "Oh, yeah, he's going through his Fitch hick phase. Just wait 'till he pulls into the parking lot in a brand new $45,000 truck. You know, to prove how country he is."
Person 1: "Yeah, his L.L. Bean camouflage jacket really goes well with his nicely styled faux hawk and his $400 class ring."
by Jaye Coleman December 27, 2011
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A term used to describe what it is like to watch UFC fighter Jon Fitch fight. He is both incredibly successful and mind numbingly boring, due to his controlling wrestling and grinding down style of fighting.

An incredible athlete, yet hasn't won as many fans as his more exciting welterweight counterparts.

Although Fitch cares little for these minor details as he would not be nearly as successful should he not employ these tactics. Many mixed martial arts fans believe Fitch's style of fighting to be predictable and rudimentary, so much so they would rather pass the time during his fight having a break.
This recess is generally spent doing things like stocking up on food or beers, having a smoke(hence smokebreak), draining the lizard, parking a buick, rubbing one out, skinning up a hooter, going on a rant, starting a bar fight with a Jon Fitch fan(careful with this as he may try and wrestle you for a full fifteen minutes), trimming you're nails or any other mundane activity.
Derek: "Hey bro, what the fuck are you doing? UFC is on, shit's pay per view ya know."

Dave: "Bro, calm down, smokebreak Fitch is on."

Derek: "Oh yea, that's why nothing interesting has happened."

Dave: "See, now hurry up, there's a stink beetle out here and I wanna spark up so I can trip out watching the little fucker."

Derek: "Wicked bro."
by timbuctoo88 February 25, 2011
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Comedy lingo: The act of revising a joke to make it more vulgar and offensive. Usually involving the addition of rape, pedophelia, cancer, or any other generally offensive topic.
I was fitching up my jokes for dirty joke night at the comedy zone.

We brought new writers in because the script needs some fitching up.

That joke is a too clean for this crowd, you should fitch it up a little.
by Ira Cohensteinbergold August 11, 2012
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A Fitch Up is pulled when pretending to resign from a job. They key is to get re-hired after only a week or two of leaving.
Worker 1: Man, I can't believe he's been gone a whole week now.
Worker 2: Didn't you hear? He's starting back on Tuesday!
Worker 1: what a classic Fitch Up.
by CL1LN0 September 5, 2019
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a fat bitch but better, bigger than big absolutely MAHUSIVE!
holy shit look at the size of that bat fitch
by "the TWAT" October 12, 2008
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A woman who wears a lot of popular store (abercrombie, holister, american eagle, aeropostale) clothes and makes fun of other people that dont wear that kind of clothing.

Allison: WOW like oh my god she is like wearing clothes from like hot topic that is so like uncool!
Katie: You relise your being a Fitch Bitch right now right?
by Steve Rock January 13, 2009
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