Filip is commonly used as the definition of sexy. Filip is outstanding smart and will probably run a big company because of his great leader skills.
He's not just an extremly smart guy but an amazing athlete as well.
If you find yourself a Filip, you can be sure you will get a great future.
Filip is a name.
by Amanda96 December 11, 2016
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1:Who’s that?
1:Why he built like that?
2:Idk but he’s a fuckboy
by boomboompaw October 23, 2019
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The biggest man u will ever meet. He is 6,9 and lives for the memes. Also gets all the bitches.
"hey u seen filip."
"he probably getting dem hoes"
by can.I.get.a.BigMac November 26, 2019
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A 7 foot tall giant that smokes weed every day. Lights paper on fire like a true epic gamer . He never gets a #epicvictoryroyale even tho hes trying his best every day. like gucci remen and vans shoes. Hes gay aswel.
Filip is really tall and high.
by Bartolomac November 21, 2018
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A guy who is very hard to get yet very hard to love. He is very smart and claims all he does is play video games and study all though you can tell by his rock hard muscles he also does a sport of some kind. Everyone flirts with him and he gets all the bitches.
Person a:Wow look at his sexy fucking abs.
Person b:He says he only plays videogames and studies.
Person a: He is obviously lying. Must be a Filip.
by ShitDog6969 September 30, 2022
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A intellectual and intelligent person. Ge is very ambitious and enthusiastic.
That guy I met yesterday at the party was a Filip!
by ThemasterOZ October 23, 2018
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