Fat Ugly Bald Slut: A fat and ugly girl who has imaginary problems, and that caused her to shave her head for attention. She also just breaks up with guys for no reason and messes with them when they date other people

In a broader sense, its a girl that you hate that wants attention and will do almost every guy.

See Also: FUBM
Brittany Dry

1. Whats Her Problem?
2. I don't know. She acts like she wants attention.
1. She's a Fubs.
*clap clap*
by FGJHUMK<LFVGBHNJ February 9, 2009
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lesbian act of love, 'fanny rubbing'
Those two are busy upstairs fubbing
by foxylady_3 June 3, 2010
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Acronym- Meaning Fat Ugly Bitch
In the true meaning--female who is obese, unattractive, and to top things off, has a very bad attitude/personality.
other derivatives can be used such as fubs(plural) and fubby.
To my freinds: "Did you see those fubs who live downstairs?"
Friend: "Yeah, I think they are sisters, both are pretty fubby though."
Me when I see the fub at the mailbox:"Hey, what's up fub?"
Actual Fub:"What did you say?"
Me:"Oh,just a silly term of endearment."
by Mia February 6, 2004
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Fourty inch rims. Spinning is not required but encouraged.
Yo cuz, my donk is rollin on fubs.
by nerrbody2 September 18, 2006
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F*#@ U B*@tch
noob: YOU CHEATTTT !!!!
me: F-U-B !!!!
by David "Y0sh|" Magnant November 12, 2002
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It's quite simple. An acronym for Fist Up Bum. Get it? I'm sure you do.
Shut your face or I'll fub you.
by Mongel Child June 20, 2005
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If you dont like cursing, FUB means eff you b**. It came to origin because someone said eff you B, and another person responded, Fub?
"Your so lame, you dont even curse"
The other person just got owned
by i pwn u 2 February 18, 2010
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