A community of fan-fiction-writing crazies. Everyone here is either insane or there by accident.
I was banned from the FFF today.
by zik July 14, 2003
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A gathering place or meeting sight in which drugged up loonies create the best fanfiction ever, and dont even remeber how they did it.
Forumer 1: Wow man! How did you do it?
Forumer 2: Well, I dont really remember much after the weed, I just got out of detox today..
by SquirrelWizard September 22, 2003
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"I did a real FFF, I sent out an e-mail to my wife that was supposed to be for my girlfriend"
by kevgixer March 15, 2004
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Fff is that person who is Faultless, Flawless and Fierce
That gurl is So fucking FFF
by Skth July 13, 2015
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FFF-Friendly Fat Friend

Afrikaans: VVV-Vriendelike Vet Vriendin

Female friends who are very nice and you get along with great but aren't pretty enough to be considered for a relationship
Were close but she's an FFF

I'd date my FFF if she wasn't fat
by Stalkerguy123456 December 21, 2016
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meaning: funny fat friend

The friend of someone you know who is slightly chubbier than the friend. The FFF is often a girl but can also be a guy. He/She cracks jokes and is often seen as more of "one of the guys" than a girl.
Random Person 1: Dude! Did you hear Leslie's joke? It was hilarious!

Random Person 2: Leslie? Oh, you mean Sharon's FFF!
by magicalducks May 14, 2014
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abrieviation for saying "Fuck Farm Fresh". a term often used by Farm Fresh employees when they are mad at their company or the customers that are shopping there; even just a bad day at work is a reason to say "FFF"
Lisa: whats wrong Jessie?

Jessie: man... FFF... im having an FFF day.

Lisa: i hear ya man.
by moonbay21 February 2, 2010
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