Drain Tactics is a type of tactic that can be used in pretty much every day to day activity, The art of a Drain tactic is to find a quicker and more often than not a dodgey/Bad way of doing things.
If a "Drain Tactic Is performed, the person on the other side of the tactic will usually get Drained because of the poor quality. See Drained or Drainer

"Drain Tactics" Are to be used by people who have no care or pride in what they are doing, whether it be their full time job or just baking a cake.
The Quality of a job performed using "Drain tactics" is noticeably different to the way it should be done.
Jaso: Dad Why did the kitchen fall apart?
Dad: Because the dickhead must have had somewhere to go and used drain tactics to get it installed as quick as he could.

Hannah: Tayla how did u get here so fast?,

Tayla: Used Drain Tactics on all the intersections, i cut off and drained that many people its not even funny. See Drained or Drainer

Josh: Steve uses Drain Tactics to win matches.
by Str8rippinpro June 14, 2010
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A large hairball that clogs the drain in your tub. When removing it is best to wear proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) ei - Gloves and Nose Plug.
Colin : Why is the water in my tub not going down the drain.

Tom : Sorry, I took a shower at your house and must have caused a DRAIN WOOKIE!
by M Mac May 18, 2011
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Urinate (in reference to the possessor of a penis)
Usually when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you need to do is drain the snake.
by Figleaf23 June 15, 2007
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jeans that fit tight to your legs all the way to your ankles (skinny jeans). very popular right now with alternative kids.
kid 1: im going to buy some drain pipes from topshop because theyre cool and that.
kid 2: oh yeah? how much are they?
kid 1: £60.
kid 2: buggar that get them in debenhams for £10!
by delaney mate. May 6, 2006
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a person who aggressively pursues anal intercourse.
Dude he totally got all up in her ass, he is such a drain snake!
by silkyd November 12, 2010
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