Angie told her husband, "You can't turn me on like a light-switch, I need to be crock-potted"
by Blendina Josephina July 18, 2016
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When someone drastically fucks you over in a non-violent manner.
Ex. A roommate leaves a crock-pot full of food on the counter for two month, blames it on you and refuses to clean it up.

Ex. Damn, that girl last night really crock-potted me. She had herpes.
by Donny Schneides April 26, 2021
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Wen u tell yo woman to wear somdin nice, and have dinner ready when yo azz get home. All day she gets dat azz ready slow cookin ready to burst. Unwrap dat fine azz and the juice is flown
Marquise - "yo bitch have dat azz ready tonight black dress I like chitlins n gravy"

Leshonda - "aight boo I got you I'ma Crock Pot my kitty"

Crock Pot Pussy
by D.J.pu$$ June 19, 2023
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Similar to the dutch oven. When you bare ass fart into a hat, bowl, or other small hollow object and hold it over an unsuspecting victim's mouth and nose until they vomit or pass out
She escaped the dutch oven this morning so I had to get her back with a dutch crock-pot.
by Amazing A. 1991 January 14, 2015
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First recorded reference in "Mike and Molly" at season 1 episode 21 at -00:08:54 as a punchline.

Currently used to describe two (2)persons coital with two (2) others in the same room and everybody hopes it gets wierd.
So, half the people were on top, did ya'll end up like two missionaries in a crock-pot?
by Dctrsqr May 19, 2023
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When you change a poop diaper and leave it in your car to stew and royally stink up your enclosed car.
Honey, did you leave a Crock-Pot Diaper in the car all day in this heat?
by rsablue September 18, 2021
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Crock pots just have yet to build factual claims in rebuke of an evidencial stance supporting a philosophical model made from reasoning with causation factors limiting the scope of the argument as non circular.
by Merry Mage November 24, 2019
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