Some one who is terrified of a virus that in Dec 2020 had a 99.4% recovery rate according to the CDC. They believe a cloth mask is designed to save them and anyone who doesn't wants to "kill grandma". Do not attempt to explain the size of a virus to them. What sets them apart from the average person who takes suggested reasonable measures is that they are more concerned with compliance and control than they are for an individual's safety. They receive their "scientific data" from talking news head sources and politicians. They prefer fear and are opposed to deciphering raw pandemic data for themselves. They are outstanding at mental gymnastics. Do not try to compete with them. They don't see the issue of standing 6ft away from some one in an airport with a mask yet its okay to sit like sardines stuffed in a can for hours on a crowded airplane. They don't know the difference between a law and a mandate. They support enhance enforcement over reason and circumstance. They do not correlate that the mask is to prevent the spread, not protect them them. Covidiots tend to fall in the NPC category.

TL;DR Fear mongers who can't discern science from propaganda
-Look at that covidiot driving with a mask on.
-I was jogging by myself this morning and this covidiot yelled at me for not wearing a mask from across the street.
-Isn't that the same covidiot that was at the election celebration w/o a mask telling people to wear a mask in your home?

Guy: "But I'm by myself in the park with my child."

COP: "DO IT NOW!" Hand on gun
Guy: "Fine I will."
Karen: From window down the street "That's what he deserves."
by Captain Condom January 28, 2021
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A person who refuses to accept science regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and actively behaves contrary to public health recommendations and policies.
All those people crammed into a closed space, standing shoulder to shoulder are covidiots!
by Jxb511 September 24, 2020
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Someone who has an irrational phobia of Covid-19.
Guy drives along by himself in his car wearing 5 masks.
Rational person : "God, what a covidiot."
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Despite the large number of definitions that describe the person as someone who doesn't respect the pandemic measures and it is spreading c*r*na virus, the actual definitio of a covidiot is a person who believes only in the official but otherwise inflated misinformation spead by the government in the mass-media and other medias, who thinks that masks actually protect from any kind of viruses, who go willingly to vaccinate with experimental vaccine(s) and who is rude towards everyone who doesn't do or doesn't agree with all the things mentioned above.
These kind of people enjoys when others get fined or arrested for not respecting the "sanitary measures" put in place by the authorities for "our own good" and ridiculule everyone who thinks that the pandemic might be a global conspiracy (which of course isn't, right? Right???).
That covidiot thinks that the government is saying the truth about the pandemic.
by SexySuccubus April 24, 2021
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Someone with complete disregard for coronavirus safety guidelines.
Synonyms include: Trump, Donald Trump, Trump supporters, and Trump’s family.
by idiotidiotidiotdjdkdkdkkd March 3, 2021
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Someone who is terrified of the Covid-19 virus. A person who is very compliant with any restrictions, ideally wears a face mask, visor and gloves at the same time.
Did you see that guy sunbathing with a face mask ?

LOL such an covidiot
by angrybite July 23, 2020
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Someone driving alone with the windows up wearing a mask.
Same rules as Slug Bug everytime we see covidiot drive by.
by OldPWdTs2020 September 7, 2020
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