The biggest bitch on the face of this earth she's very snoody and thinks she better than everyone else . She'll stab you in the back. Very very two faced. Looks like a horse we teeth stick out farther than her nose.
by Yoshandatarquesha June 7, 2013
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a slutty girl, usually from arabia, or a jordan. very curly hair, often says stupid things that mostly everyone does not understand. likes to have sex and get drunk A LOT. has a number of friends who like to fuck with her, has a big heart and also a BIG ASS. daddys little girl, gets annoyed by parents easily. always wanting a black berry, and loves to shake dat ass!
Did you guys get Cindy's tweet?

No! fuck that bitch!

Don't be such a Cindy!
by you know who its December 24, 2010
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the word you yell in the game "Cindy." When you see a Vietnamese man with African American hands and feet, one point is given to the person that saw him first. If the man is wearing a dress, that is a bonus point for the person who saw him. The perfect game to play in the car or in a populous city. Consult your physician before playing the game. (Note: if you shout "Cindy" towards the correct target, the man will not answer because his name is most likely not Cindy. Please don't hurt his feelings or anger any man with the appearance listed above.)
Ben: (pointing at a man throught the car window) Cindy! Yay! One point!
Kasey: Actually, Ben, you didn't notice his cocktail dress, so I have one point, too.
Ben: (squirming in his booster seat) Aww man!
by KalkiniSmithypie July 27, 2011
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An alternate means of spelling skank. This name is usually passed down to the skankiest of all skanks. Whomever carries this name has absolutely no class even though they lead on that they do.
Man: Did you see cindy the other day?
Man2: yeah man. She's such a skank with no class
by mumblehawk April 5, 2011
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That bitch dirty nasty asf and she chew the same piece of gum everyday she always wear the same clothes dirty ass and always won't let no one put they windows down bitch ass Cindy would be the worst bus driver her nasty ass get paid 2 dollars a day like shit her dirty ass nasty boot ass.
Cindy is one dirty as motherfucking HOE!!!!
by Pizzapig June 7, 2017
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Cindy is a person that you call a lop. She is rude as shit and Fugly with a capital F. She doesn’t do any favors and she’s always mad. She takes it out on a brother or sister. Overall she is rude. lmao
Cindy: get the fuck out of the way bitch *pushes Elle to the damn door*
Elle: damn Cindy your rude as shit, you’re just made I’m think and your booty flat
by Hates hoes like Cindy November 15, 2018
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