The list of people of the opposite sex you keep in your head at any one moment that you could possibly bang.
Dude, Sandra's busy tonight, I guess I'll have to take a look at my depth chart.
by PersonWhoDoesThings May 17, 2011
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Derivative of the Gantt Chart used in engineering project management: a graphical representation of your sexual exploits over time - often grouped by person and color coded corresponding to act.
Anne's doing really well with her New Year's Resolution to stay away from boys - she hasn't had to update her Gantt Chart in months!!
by FromPink2Purple May 14, 2010
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A two-dimensional graph of political viewpoints. The axes are belief in economic freedoms and belief in personal freedoms. Democrats believe in personal freedoms but few economic freedoms, Republicans just the opposite. Communists believe in neither, and Libertarians believe in both.
Before I saw the Nolan Chart, I thought Libertarians were just wierd Republicans, but now I realize they're awesome and vote for them every time.
by Yixil April 6, 2006
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The Pie chart is a way of referring to the different stages of sex by using code names. It is similar to the baseball system, although instead it uses different pies as different stages of sex. It was first invented by a group of teenagers who came from Wigan, and is now used internationally. It is especially common in Britain.

First Pie (Sometimes referred to as chicken pie): French Kissing.
Second Pie (Sometimes referred to as meat and potato pie) : Stimulation of the genitals. (Fingering, Hand Jobs, etc).
Third Pie (Sometimes referred to as steak and kidney pie) : Oral sex
Fourth Pie (Sometimes referred to as Creme Brulee, Strawberry Souffle, or other types of extravagent desert : Sexual intercourse
If someone is suggesting that a person present has had sexual intercourse, they may shout out "Who ate all the pies?" If a person responds with "I did," "I ate all the pies," or something similar, then they are stating that they have had sexual intercourse.

Other code names are used for other things that are sex related are involved in the pie chart. These include:

Food Poisioning : A code word for STI's
Indigestion : A code word for pregnancy
Packaging : A code word for condoms
(Example of the pie chart being used in an everday conversation)

Mike: "I am going to eat creme brulee tonight,"

Josh: "Make sure you leave the packaging on and don't rush into it. Otherwise, you could end up with severe indigestion!"

Mike: "Hmm.. maybe it's easier to just eat steak and kidney pie."

Josh: "Nahh.. that pie can taste unusual!"
by Henry's bird :P May 23, 2007
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A person that only has knowledge of a record or track because it is popular with peers or on the charts. These people would have little knowledge of Older or underground favourites. Also unlikely to have any appreciation for lyrics and is therefore spoon-fed with catchy melodies with pointless lyrics.
Jord ''Can't wait to go see example, He's so good!''

Danny ''I know, thanks for showing me his music, where did you find him?''

Jord ''Found him while i was checking the chart top 10 out looking for tunes''

Rory *under breath* ''Chart herms'
by TAGSND October 20, 2010
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A chart one uses for making decisions. This chart covers all the (not necesserialy correct) answers known to mankind.
Anon - "Hey, should I take this bottle of JD with me?"
BB - "IDK dude, just whip out your TC (Toeter Chart)"
Anon - "Ah right, cheerio mate"
by BronzigeBoris June 20, 2014
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