Burberry sandwich :

1. Being mugged or stuck in a group of people, normally chavs.

2. Also the name of an unsigned SKA band in Kent
Rick - Poor Tim was in a bad burberry sandwich, took his money phone everything

Paul - Damed chavs...
by Sin and Smile April 30, 2007
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Unsophisticated person from the lower echelons of society. Taken from chavs or pikeys who commonly wear fake Burberry accessories in a poor British imitation of bling culture.
The native habitat of the burberry Ape is a city centre pub on the weekend. At kicking out time, he will migrate to the kebab van in order to perform a ritual mating display to slappers, whereby he gets in a pointless and utterly predictable fight with another Burberry Ape.
by Simon Dykes January 12, 2006
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the offcial latin terminology adopted by the vatican to identify the lowly chav. lol. burberrious wankerous is the latin for "lowlife shit eating pikey". use it wisely, unless surrounded by chavs... they won't comprehend...
Thou art a foul member of the family "burberrious wankerous". Go away and stop pestering me, lowly dole scum.
by i_is_2_rood_4_da_chavs March 11, 2005
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A once upper-market brand of clothing that has now become the symbol of chav. Chavs cannot afford the real, designer brand and so buy cheap, poor imitations from corner shops "daan-taan", thus destroying the brands good name. The trademark Burberry tan check is now more associated with chavs than rich people.
"Chavs can only afford Fake Burberry"
by ThirdEnigma June 5, 2006
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A Burberry Boy is similair to a chav but older and more interested in beating people up outside football grounds. They can be recognised by their burberry baseball caps and other items of burberry clothing (usually fake) because "it's calssy, innit". Burberry boys usually come from really rubbish towns like Scunthorpe or Grimsby and follow their local football team around the country bringing shame on themselves and the real fans. They have little of no interest in football but are more interested in when it's going to "go off" (ie a fight starts). Amazingly some of these low lives have wives and kids, aswell as respectable jobs! This doesn't stop them from being scum though. A Burberry Boy's idea of a good night out is downing 15 pints and then "aving a bird".
by Francis Green July 19, 2004
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This is when a liking for Burberry brainwashes your mind, transforming you from a normal person into someone who wears a burberry baseball hat and thinks it is the height of cool (they are sadly mistaken).
nurse 'oh dear another case of brainwashing doctor'

doctor 'extract the Burberry hat and send him to the asylum'
by ping pong February 25, 2004
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The fokin ardest man in great brittaina fella
Yo no that mc burberry hes going twat ues
by Jevend 12 February 3, 2020
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