Putting someone on a water fountain and turning it on. Usually a prank, in the same manner as a swirly. From bubbler, a term primarily used in Wisconsin.
How embarassing - my pants are all wet from that bubbler ride.
by Bamos July 1, 2005
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When a man is giving a girl anal and she proceedes to pass gas while he is still engaged in reverberation
Sebi: so after i mudflopped her she gave me a damn baltimore bubbler! My tip stunk for a week
by Guido and N-dog March 18, 2009
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That impending, wet, explosive hangover shit. The gut churns, growles and sloshes whilst brewing up the inevitable release. More than one bubbler is very common. Tends to leave the oring sore, tender and burning.
I partied way to hard last night. I’m brewing a bubbler right now.

I don’t feel well. I’m brewing a bubbler.

I was brewing a bubbler and didn’t quite make it. Now I got a little trouser pudding.
by Eaton Holgoode January 17, 2018
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Similar to Creampie,

This rare occassion is something that can happen during a cream pie if the reciever breaks wind (Farts) and the cum bubbles

Thus Squitty bubbler!
John: "I got with some right sket lastnight!"
Dave: "Have much fun?"
John: "Yeah man it all ended with a squitty bubbler!"
Dave: "Dude...gross!"
Dave: "+10ManPoint's though!"
by Teraphinx March 10, 2010
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Another word for Water Fountain or Drinking Fountain

Used in New England
"Mr. John, can I go get a drink from the water bubbler?"
by DJ-High April 1, 2010
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One who enjoys the act of bubbling cum, a bubbler of cum, the creation of a pocket of air formed in a wad of cum.
Your Mother is a true cum bubbler.
by HAHAHA513 March 30, 2008
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Martini glass filled with warm water, place testicles in glass add straw and lightly blow, thus resulting in a tiny jacuzzi.
Karen ended the night by giving me a swirly bubbler!
by Shagster2189 January 9, 2022
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