really nerdy looking kid; not the brightest crayon. really desparate, massages him self
bronze: come here
bronze: pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by 2xa batteries October 15, 2017
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While toungue bathing a woman's starbolt, finger her nubby love button making her moan like a musical insturment. A gender reversal of the rusty trombone.
"Wow Jill sure has a big smile on her face."
"That's because I gave her the bronze flute for four hours last night, my toungue hurts!"
by Robo "The Pole" Ski March 17, 2007
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during intercourse, one partner poops into their hand and puts the log of excrement onto the other partner's forehead at a 45 degree angle, creating a makeshift horn.
"last night with becky, i totally gave her a bronze unicorn. she got so mad to have poop on her face."
by clairedynamo June 10, 2009
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It's a course you take after Swimming level 10. It is optional, but you have to take it if you are under 13 and you want to become a lifeguard. You can go straight to Bronze Medallion if you are 13 and if you passed Bronze Star, you can go to Bronze Medallion even if you are not 13. Bronze Star is a very difficult course. You must carry 10 pound objects for 3 minutes, learn dry/wet CPR and many more...
P1: Are you going to take Bronze Star?
P2: Totally!
P1: Dope!
by Baaaka July 18, 2013
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When you go down on a girl after her period and some of the blood has dried on her pussy. When you get up your lips and mouth have a maroon/bronze color.
Cody got his bronze wings last night, he didn't realize it till he looked in the mirror in the morning.
by Lil Dick Game May 18, 2018
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A person that is getting a tan on the beach with way too much tanning oil on. Women can bronze goddess.
I was bronze goding all weekend at the beach.
by BeachTSLwater September 26, 2019
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1. The League of Legends entities responsible for the Hellhole aptly named "Bronze." While often associated with blessing a handful of lucky players with competent victories and beautiful play making, they are also behind each crushing defeat and misstep. The Bronze Gods giveth, and the Bronze Gods taketh away.
Man, I get absolutely fucked by that 9-1 Leblanc, but the Bronze Gods gave me a win.
by TheLighterDark January 3, 2014
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