A ridiculously straight girl. It's not enough just to be straight, you have to love shopping malls and the colour pink. There are two kinds of Britney's, the kind who will end up in trailer parks married to Chumbos, and the posh-morning-latte ones who will be bussiness women. They enjoy heels and american eagle. The trailer trash variety love children and them on buses, and the posh variety hate kids and plan to never have any.
by Lucithevampire July 15, 2006
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1) A word stating an action of major stupidity.
2) A word stating the act of having a breakdown.
3) Bad parenting.
1A) That chick is pulling a Britney...Someone cover her up!
1B) That was a Britney thing to say!
2) That girl needs to be calmed down she's totally pulling a Britney.
3) That lady left her kids in the car in this heat! Hey Miss Spears come get your kids!
by Mikel Jordia January 13, 2008
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Tell Britney to do the dishes!!!!
by Bmaxwell December 10, 2016
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Britney is the funniest, kindest girl with the biggest heart. She loves to be with her friends, and can always overcome any obstacle thrown in her way. She is smart, and caring. She will always be there for you no matter what, and will never fail to put a smile on your face.
Here comes Britney!
by pastelwreckk March 21, 2018
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You are very lucky to have a smart, caring, sexy, intelligent, small, fit britney in your life. If you ever come across a Britney treat her with respect and love her with all your heart. Britneys can sometimes mess up badly but always forgive them after all they always make sure not to make the same mistake twice. Britneys tend to feel shame much when being told off and they always try to stay positive and happy. If you ever see a britney upset talk to her as she never normally is upset. Britneys always need love and affection especially off of a loving, caring boy or girl. Britneys normally go with boys with very popular names (e.g Jack). Break a britneys trust you will never get it back again so be careful. Break a britneys heart then watch your back, her friends are against you and after you
by Britney the heart broken October 17, 2018
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