Evil bastards who stole Ireland then gave half back.
Irish Farmer: WTF is this???
British KnobJockey: It's half of Ireland
Irish Farmer: WTF am I suppose to do with half of Ireland??
British KnobJockey: I don't know, why don't you make a nice little republic for yourself
Irish Farmer: Nooo! Oi waant me fookin island back ya dorty brit! All of it!
by Rian August 15, 2005
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uncontrollable immigration and crap eurovision entrys and low lives in council estates
britain is full of political correctness, soaps like eastenders and correnation street and has shit weather
by charlottepickle April 11, 2008
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A small island that strangely enough still seems to consider itself a world power despite all evidence to the contrary.

The population is still divided by class because the British are still "subjects", not citizens due to the continuing presence of a monarchy. Accordingly the British classify themselves as upper, middle, or lower class on the strength of the job they do. Basically, Law, the civil service and the army is ok ( linked to monarchy), banking and finance tolerated ( money is worshipped in britain) but anything else means you are considered at the level of an African toilet cleaner.

Readership/non readership of the Daily Mail decides your level of patriotism. Accent, employment, education, post code, religion and net wealth makes or breaks the average Brit. One absolute stigma that makes you a "chav" ( modern pretentious middle class term for poor working class) is to find yourself living in social housing. This attitude was introduced by Maggie Thatcher in the 1980's to encourage the housing market.

Also, some time in the late 90's a constituent part of Britain, i.e. the English decided to base their national identity on the wearing of football shirts and the singing of "En-ger-land" over and over to any passing French or German person. Morris dancing and the eating of roast beef one presumes became a little dull in the light of Euro 96.

Currently Britain is considering making being a foreigner a criminal offence. This legislation is hoped to be brought in just in time before Britain disappears up it's own backside sometime after the 2012 Olympics.
by Alphonse du ponce March 13, 2008
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A small island that strangely enough still seems to consider itself a world power despite all evidence to the contrary.

The population is still divided by class because the British are still "subjects", not citizens due to the continuing presence of a monarchy. Accordingly the British classify themselves as upper, middle, or lower class on the strength of the job they do. Basically, Law, the civil service and the army is ok ( linked to monarchy), banking and finance tolerated ( money is worshipped in britain) but anything else means you are considered at the level of an African toilet cleaner.

Readership/non readership of the Daily Mail decides your level of patriotism. Accent, employment, education, post code, religion and net wealth makes or breaks the average Brit. One absolute stigma that makes you a "chav" ( modern pretentious middle class term for poor working class) is to find yourself living in social housing. This attitude was introduced by Maggie Thatcher in the 1980's to encourage the housing market.

Also, some time in the late 90's a constituent part of Britain, i.e. the English decided to base their national identity on the wearing of football shirts and the singing of "En-ger-land" over and over to any passing French or German person. Morris dancing and the eating of roast beef one presumes became a little dull in the light of Euro 96.

Currently Britain is considering making being a foreigner a criminal offence. This legislation is hoped to be brought in just in time before Britain disappears up it's own backside sometime after the 2012 Olympics.

Example of what? Total abject failure of britain as a society?
by Albert Steptoe March 13, 2008
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A small island that strangely enough still seems to consider itself a world power despite all evidence to the contrary.

The population is still divided by class because the British are still "subjects", not citizens due to the continuing presence of a monarchy. Accordingly the British classify themselves as upper, middle, or lower class on the strength of the job they do. Basically, Law, the civil service and the army is ok ( linked to monarchy), banking and finance tolerated ( money is worshipped in britain) but anything else means you are considered at the level of an African toilet cleaner.

Readership/non readership of the Daily Mail decides your level of patriotism. Accent, employment, education, post code, religion and net wealth makes or breaks the average Brit. One absolute stigma that makes you a "chav" ( modern pretentious middle class term for poor working class) is to find yourself living in social housing. This attitude was introduced by Maggie Thatcher in the 1980's to encourage the housing market.

Also, some time in the late 90's a constituent part of Britain, i.e. the English decided to base their national identity on the wearing of football shirts and the singing of "En-ger-land" over and over to any passing French or German person. Morris dancing and the eating of roast beef one presumes became a little dull in the light of Euro 96.

Currently Britain is considering making being a foreigner a criminal offence. This legislation is hoped to be brought in just in time before Britain disappears up it's own backside sometime after the 2012 Olympics.
In britain it is common to sing "two world wars, one world cup"

In Britain it is commonly accepted that shoddy workmanship "looks like it was done by an Indian"
by Marmeduke Smarmy March 14, 2008
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A country of hypcrites and pillow biters that thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread. They like to bash other countries (specifically America) about things they have no idea about. NO you were NOT the larget empire in history (*cough* roman) NO you were not behind evey major modern achievement (America is, dicovered how to harness electricity, the internet as we know it, aircraft, cars, the telephone, peanut butter, The light bulb, artificial heart, telegraph, sewing machine, liquid fueled rocket, traffic light, lie detector, bandaids, bulldozers I could go ON and ON)

Basically, the world would not be NEARLY as advanced as it is today without the "country of wanker's" inventions. You would all still be loading muskets, riding around in horse drawn wagons, and would only be able to travel by sea to other nations. Dont forget that without the internet *cough* also made by the U.S *cough* I could not be shutting all of you ignorant bastards down right now. OHHH yeah, and electricity, gee, what would the world be like if THomas edison didn't find out how to harness it?

Thats what I thought...
"Gee John, those american wankers sure are racist and ignorant, Britain is truly the most accepting and non-biased"

"I totally agree Mike, And how bout those fucking french, I can't stand them either,"

"Yeah, and those dutch...germans...Gee, we're the SAME Thing we preach against...."

by Not so ignorant May 20, 2006
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What makes Britain "Great" exactly? Do they mean great as in big? Because Britain's certainly not big, so it must mean great as in amazing? With all the pandering to weak snowflakes, utter hypocrisy of the law/police, and similar bullshit, i would beg to differ.

Come visit "Great" Britain:

If you want no freedom of speech. Where even Ricky Gervais is allowed to openly accuse Hollywood celebs, while thinly disguising his accusations as "jokes". Jeremy Clarkson was allowed to get away with certain comments, as was David Walliams who insulted people of Britain's Got Talent using foul language, those who hold a high status are allowed to get away with stuff common folk aren't.

if you want expensive apartments made with cheap crap that catch fire easily.

if you want to be arrested for offending somebody over petty shit online via the law called Malicious Communications. Yet people from other countries, via social media, games etc, are freely
allowed to verbally abuse you, say things back and you get treated like a criminal by the pathetic clown police.

If you are sexually assaulted by a female, the police will do nothing, just like what happened with the football stadium incident, a male would be jailed. More double standards like those sentenced for sharing photos of a murder scene, yet Britain had servers hosting disgusting content from Live Leak and Ogrish. Live Leak also had tons of comments of people making fun of those who committed suicide.
Brian: Wow, that's a lot of bullshit from one country. How can people really call it Great Britain?

Me: But there's much more! Don't visit "Great" Britain if..

if you want to see homeless actual British people starving on the streets with their pets, while illegal foreigners continue to pour in and are offered free homing, food and hotels.
People wonder why racism is on the rise, but don't forget, the law is sexist against men, and just like that white men have to suffer, other races can do no wrong. Just like Khan does nothing about knife fest London.

Don't visit "Great" Britain's news sites if you like to be cut off from commenting on certain articles in case your words hurt some sensitive person's feelings.

Don't teach your pet pug to do a Nazi salute on YouTube as a joke, or face arrest of the authoritarian kind.

Don't moon a speed camera or be arrested and wrestled to the floor by the big bad police for "indecent exposure" but you're allowed to see naked butts on even kids cartoons.
The police are heroes! They saved us from a drive by mooning maniac! Luckily, Banksy did a nice mural showing the true nature of the police in this instance, also featuring Bart Simpson.

A country of control, a country for cry babies.

Fix Backwards Britain!
by Fight 4 Freedom January 10, 2023
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