A tiny girl that loves bees and cats, she is active and loves shows. She is beautiful and so is her family. And she can be so funny and cute. She is called cute and pretty often.
Wow! Look at that Bridget girl!

She’s stunning!!
by Kay lay may pay December 7, 2017
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is a character from guilty gear and despite the name and appearance is actually male cause in the village he was born it is consider to be bad luck to have twins
boy1-this bridget girl is hot(playing guilty gear)

boy2-dude your gross thats actually a boy
by dark jak August 15, 2011
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A bitch who will stab you in the back and call child protective services because her mother can’t make food
“See that bitch?”
Oh bridget?”
by hardboi December 12, 2019
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A character from Guilty gear that, despite his very feminine appearance and name, is male. He was raised as a girl because it was bad luck in his villiage to have two twin boys. Bridget is a common term used for any shota that features a young cross-dressing boy.
Wow I found a lot of bridget on burichan.
by Leonis June 7, 2005
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Bridget or Brigid is a Gaelic/Irish female name derived from the noun brígh, meaning "power, strength, vigor, virtue". An alternate meaning of the name is "exalted one". ... Some Irish servant girls were called Biddie or Biddy by their employers even if that wasn't their real first name. Bridget name meaning is exalted one and the associated lucky number is 11. In the 18th century Bridget became a popular female Christian name, with Biddy or Biddie as the diminutive or affectionate form. In the 19th Century, it became a generic for an Irish maid she has lovlovey red hair and a kind smile 👩🏻 🦰
The most important thing is trust and you must trust bridget 😋👩🏻 🦰
by Breezy Ballerina August 4, 2020
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She is definitely the most beautiful woman you will ever lay eyes on. Large blue eyes, luscious locks, deeeeefffffinitely gotta fatty, but small biddies. Everything about her is perfect. Her personality is great. She has got one of the best senses of humor around. You could laugh for days with her. Yeah, she may procrastinate, and drink, and he may not give the best advice but she sure will make you feel special.
Carl: Woah.. is that Bridget?
MGK: Yeah.. isn’t she something.

Hannah: I love Bridget, she’s so sweet.
Mary: Nah, she’s a bitch!
by turtlebob April 29, 2020
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