Bowser Jr is Bowsers beloved son, He happens to think that Princess Peach is his mama, ever so convinced to steal her in Super Mario Sunshine. But he continutes to kidnap her due to his strong affection to her even though she is indeed not his mama. He has also recently appeared in the game Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics as clearly the best playable character.
"I wont let you take Mama Peach away"-Bowser Jr
by Bowsahjr November 22, 2010
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one big,big try 9,000,000,000mt dragon/koopa who has superstrenth,durability,ect. who could kick mario`s butt if heros didn`t always win.

by sean.k.curran September 13, 2003
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The act of saying "give me 'dem coins," like Baby Bowser in Mario Party 2.
Hey you, took my coins you Jew Bowser.
by thatkidaginagain December 7, 2009
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The fetish where you dress your mate in a bowser costume and proceed to 69.
Guy 1: Ay dude I dressed my mate as bowser and pounded her.
Guy 2: Dude you have a bowser fetish
by UbermanTopkek September 12, 2016
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Baby Bowser has lots of variety!!

1)He likes pickled appendixes!

2)He runs the Grease-Pit resturaunt!

3) And he's jealous of the 'rich people' who live in Debbie's old house!
Did you see Baby Bowser harassing that 'rich guy' in Debbie's old house? Damn! He was like "...And you got your HDTV's, your perfect family, your olympic-sized pool, and your kitchen's the size of most people's houses!..."
by Snebulizer/Nih +grr December 11, 2003
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The "protect IPs" fanboy who replaced the Nintendo of America CEO Reggie cause coincidentally his last name was "Bowser"
Someone: "its time to keep working on the Mario 64 Mod that i spent years on."
Doug Bowser: "no."
by Yes i’m real man February 23, 2021
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