used as a general word to mean anything.

1. could be used as a subsitute to fuck yeah!

2. or milf.

3. could even be used as an orgasm.
1. What a goal. BOSH!

2. I would like to BOSH her mum

3. girl: harder, harder...
dude: BOSH!
by GoSco April 24, 2007
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Running directly into someone, both parties cross arms while charging into each other. Both parties collide, only one sustaining injury whilst the other party doesn’t. The party that loses the duel would have been boshed.
“He absolutely BOSHED him”
by MikyMoo01 August 5, 2019
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I gave her a good boshing last night!
by Anonymous February 11, 2003
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adj. 1. to be awesome, awe-inspiring, or regarded with awe. 2. To be as cool as a ninja with ninja star earrings.
D: Yo, did you see her dance? B: Yeah, Jenni is so BOSH!
by Deech July 8, 2006
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Stems from the term "bullshit," bosh can be used to declare something as equally irrelevant/invalid as "bullshit."
Man1: I ate an entire turkey.
Me: That's a load of bosh.
Me: That's bosh.
by Reece March 30, 2005
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The act of throwing snowballs at cars. The term was coined by Michael DeRobertis of Scarsdale, New York, in the early 1980s. The word comes from the sound made when a snowball is thrown at a car, moving or parked. The term stems from the sound created when a snowball makes a direct hit with one of these "drum-like", hollow panels - "BOSH!!!"
Let's go Boshing - Throwing hard showballs, or iceballs and hitting the "drum-like", quarter panels of cars. "Bosh!!!!"
by Reginald P. Ralch February 20, 2007
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mainly used in north-west of Britain, a adjective to describe something, which is very good or impressive.
thomas:woah, did you see what he did on his skateboard?

liam:fuck yeah! it was bosh!
by faye<3smosh August 10, 2006
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