Don't buy clothes from the flea market beacause their boogie.
by Quintero Bell December 12, 2006
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Crapping yourself and the shit goes on the floor and ya like 'shit i did a boogie.'
My mate just took a boogie on my carpet
by oli_cob98 February 19, 2014
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a term that came from a TV show called Wonder Showzen that means white(cockasian)
by P Broz July 4, 2006
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Ben Dover was doing the backseat boogie with lovers all summer.
by I, Wreckerrr November 17, 2016
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A VK of any flavour. The copious amounts of caffeine in these drinks, coupled with the small amount out alcohol, is enough to get your feet moving and your arms a’groovin
Excuse me mate, can I get a blue boogie juice
by JamesdewiJones123 October 22, 2019
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A descriptor for anything that is considered good, cool, hip, sick, filthy, primo, awesome, or groovy. Reserved for items at the top of the coolness pyramid, should not be applied to everyday items.
Damn, that new Howling Giant album is boogie AF, I can't stop listening to them.
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