"I am so bottle today"
"No surprise there.. You have got a huge test today"
by xMidnightShowx April 10, 2007
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When a girl puts a bottle full of pee up her vagina too keep it warm when she needs to pass a drug test with someone else's clean urine.
She would have gotten fired if she got caught bottling her friend's clean piss before her drug test.
by Midgepornandcorvettes4life January 25, 2017
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This refers to a person. Especially one from a minority or a race or religion other than your own.
I hate bottles!

Bottles killed my father and raped my mother!

person 1: Two bottles just moved in next door.

person 2: Oh shit! There goes the neighborhood.
by I H8 Bottles December 16, 2004
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An acknowledgment at parting, or leaving; good bye, see you later.
person 1: yo dawg, wassup?
person 2: nuttin much dude!
person 1: howz yo bitch doin?
person 2: she aight!
person 1: yo i gotta bounce homie
person 2: aight man, peace out!
person 1: iight bottle!
by kev-dawg October 24, 2003
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When a girl is so fucking skinny that she has no figure whatsoever and has a body shaped like a bottle of water
by dykeassbitch February 19, 2003
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A space between too cars that is for fighting.
Lets go to the bottle and settle this!
by sam wheat April 12, 2004
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