The ODDest girl on earth
Shes such an Audrey.
I wish my girlfriend was an Audrey.
I love you Audrey.
by jalen.coley May 18, 2019
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Audrey is the most intelligent, caring, beautiful woman you will ever meet. She feeds you, gives you attention and will always make sure you’re okay. She loves cuddles but also loves getting freaky. Audrey will brighten up your day and will make you the happiest person ever. If you ever get with an audrey, keep her she is the most perfect and amazing human being in the world.
“YO is that audrey I heard that’s Gavyns girl”.
“Bro she’s so fine how is she into Gavyn”.
by audreysdaddy May 11, 2020
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a girl who steals guy's shirts. they are also known to love guys named jacob.
by babeykakes. September 20, 2011
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Audrey is lesbian and likes women.
She likes women, she must be an Audrey
by SmokeyRecruit April 23, 2022
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Audrey is fucken amazing and so beautiful even though they will never accept it. She has a great sense of humor and uses a lot of sarcasm. She is an amazing gf and anyone would be lucky to have her. She has her problems but will always put others before herself. She's the cutest mother fucker on the planet but will never admit it. If you ever get the opportunity to become friends with her you better do it or you will regret it. She will always pick you up when you are down and will never forget about what you did for her. She has an amazing body but will never accept it. she's a little chubby but not in a bad way. She's so fucken cute like fuuuuuuuuuuck.
Person 1 (I wish I could date Audrey)
Me (To bad she's my baby girl that I love so much)
by Hilobro008 November 27, 2021
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Anyone who is named Audrey is a generally smart and talented girl. Someone automatically lights up when they talk to an Audrey. She's funny, and kind. She's wonderful with kids. She can pick you up when you are feeling down, and is very trustworthy. She has eyes that have a slight twinkle to them. Although she's always smiling she hides something inside. She may seem bossy, but try's very hard not to be. She's a great friend, and anyone who is her friend is very lucky. She's very pretty, but doesn't know it. She doesn't have much self confidence, but once a friends around she opens right up. Girls want to be her, and guys want to be with her. She tries her hardest, but sometimes she doesn't succeed. When that happens she just brushes it off.
"Audrey is my best friend."
"She's so hot you're so lucky to be friends with her!"
by January 28, 2016
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a smart, athletic girl. Can break your heart or win it over. Very sensitive and gets angry easy. Has lots of friends but recycles them. Thinks shes cool
by goauburn November 18, 2010
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