Multiple bats, the animal bat or baseball bat

The plural for baseball bat and the animal bat
John ''I went to a cave when I was hiking, so many bats flew out when I entered.

Sam ''I got the new shipment for bats, the baseball coach will be so happy!
by weird eye the science guy June 29, 2018
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Big Ass Titties- BATS
Guy : That chick has some BATS


Guy: She has a batting average of 92 (basically saying she has some big ass titties)
by RashadB07 February 11, 2008
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Slang originating in the US Virgin Islands which means a hoe, slut, or whore.
You see that girl over there talking to the basketball team? She's a bat. I heard the football team ran a train on her last week or so.
by ThaGuyWonder December 4, 2014
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1. A small-flying rodent.

2. A long-slender generally wooden object used for the bashing of knees and other important appendages.
"He didn't cooperate so we had to use the bat." - You choose the use of bat.
by MF September 4, 2002
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An attack from Arfenhouse that usually belongs to Evil Kitty/Good Kitty.
I guess she hits you really hard or something.
U SUK AMEE!1 I BAT YOU!!!1-Good Kitty, Arfenhouse: the Movie
by horror_blood December 3, 2003
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1: “Bro it’s a bat look!”
2: “I’m feeling kinda hungry now.”
1: “NO DON’T DO I-
*coronavirus begins spreading*
by Cumsockdelivery March 18, 2020
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