The only disease which people can be yelled at/criticized for.
You may here someone yell "Damnit, you're an alcoholic!" but you'll never here someone say "Damn you, you have Cancer!"
by Kazera August 22, 2006
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1)One who drinks to get rid of pain...To try and forget about things that have happened.

2)One who drinks excessively
1)Look at that alcoholic...just drinking away his problems.

2)Damn...he just drank a 30 pack of beer...and he's still doing fine!
by Valerie R. April 22, 2007
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One who drinks the sweet drink of the gods to the point of reliance upon it.
"I swear to drunk I'm not god!"

ex.-Alexander Hines-the dorito king
by dave g August 24, 2005
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People who drink themselves into oblivion on a regular basis i.e. the scots
I've never seen anyone drink as much as those scots they are bloody alcoholics.
I travelled throughout europe and no one puts the drink away like the scottish people haha
by English Princess March 17, 2008
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it's what Jamie Foxx blames "IT" on
Blame it on the 'trone got you in the zone
Blame it on the goose got you feelin loose
Blame it on the henney
Blame it on the blue tap got you feeling dizzy
Blame it on the al al al al alcohol (blame it on a a a alcohol)
by I'm a Kenneth February 1, 2010
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Someone who is a real jerk when they get drunk.
Jeff: Hey John, you wanna come out to the bar tonight with me and Eddie?
John: No thanks Jeff. To tell you the truth, I think Eddie's a total alcohole. I just don't have the energy to put up with him right now.
by Ezmerellda July 4, 2009
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