The funk, spice, and sugar of my dreams. She's both my vanilla and chocolate. She can be crazy and wild, she can be sweet and calm. She's all slim, but with booty. She's the one you only see when you glance the second time, but she's also the one you won't ever want to let go. She is the ingredient that makes me whole.
Boy 1: That girl's crazy! Look at her laugh. But she's so cute!

Boy 2: Yea, she's def an Alice.
Boy 3: Yea, that's my Alice. My wild card.
by CrazyCard2 September 20, 2009
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A glass of milk that has been sitting out in the sun for 12 days and has been spit in by homeless dogs.
Eew i accidently drank some alice.
by tiobla June 27, 2009
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beanerville,aka so close to mexico you could spit and hit it.
the birthplace of the crackhead, the highest percentage of dropout rate in the state of texas.also known as Hubcity(or the tunnel of drugs)
Where you from? -"Alice" oh?! isnt that in the valley?
by Nova Scotia Hio June 13, 2008
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So sweet, innocent at heart, kinda dumb but she makes up for it with her niceness, can get mixed up with the wrong crowds and can sometimes be a bit too quick to judge people. Weird, wacky, funny and u should really get to know her
Aww I feel bad for Alice sometimes she’s just so innocent”
“I don’t like her, she said she don’t like me for no reason”
by JustAHonestGirl January 22, 2019
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A beautiful sweet girl who everyone adores. She's heaven sent and brightens everyones day with her positive energy.
You definitely need an Alice in your life because she's full of knowledge with an imagination that leaves you fantasizing about her. Alice is competitive, trusting, loyal, intelligent and ready to accept the impossible. Daring by nature and quite bold. She tends to take herself seriously especially when the evil Red Queen plots and plans to steal Alices boyfriend,Jose. Simply, Alice isn't threatened by The Red Queen because she has everything in the bank and besides Alice has a Squad that will chew her and spit her out before her next breath. Jose, hold onto Alice, she's nice and innocent and The Red Queen is vile and a distasteful, she does not suit you.

For a full description on The Red Queen, feel free to search her name on Urban Dictionary.
Alice: "Good morning , how are you today?"
The Red Queen: "Off with her head, she just swore at me!"
by Baal-Berith August 21, 2017
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a bitch who doesnt care about anyone but herself she snd ugly girl who thinks she is prettier then she is and thinks everyone would sleep with her when really no one every will
dude she thinks she is so hot but she s fugly wanna b
shes an alice
by pink22567 July 27, 2011
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Alice is nice at first but once you know her you find out she in the reincarnation of Satan himself. Most common to have Crazy friends. If you happen to meet an Alice stay on her good side.
Person 1: “Hey Alice just took my money”
Person 2: “Leave it bro”
Person 1: “Why?”
Person 2: “She’s Satan
by elob mcclonk October 15, 2018
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