ACAB means "Anaconda coughs at bitches". "Bitches" is used as an altright dog whistle that means "jews","Anaconda"

means "an Aryan", and "coughs" means "dominates". ACAB is very oftenly used by far right groups. There are two types of ACAB. The leftist anti-cop ACAB, and the far-right ACAB. ACAB in the leftist sense means "Assigned cop at birth"
Neo nazi: ACAB!
Clueless leftist: hell yeah! down with the police brutality! Right? Right....?
by Twojstaryzrekutasy420 August 17, 2023
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By dictionary, A cunt at birth.

also refers to, All cops are bad. But the first definition is totally cooler.
Groovy man - Damn, chad is SUCH a acab!
Groot- Groooooottt?
by bumsque December 14, 2021
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Assigned Cunt At Birth
She was acab. We knew to stay away...
by Goddess SunShine IsIs November 13, 2021
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All Croissants are Brown
ACAB! No Yellow Croissants are allowed!
by TheBagelPeople September 9, 2020
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All cucks are bi.
He watched his gf deep throat his boss, and wanked till he came on the floor. His boss came in her mouth and then she kissed him. Acab? He even had to pay for acab.
by Garrey smith’s October 8, 2021
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A term once used by football hooligans and other rebellious people to show their distaste of authority, now turned by a bitchass insult used from virgin faggot BLM protestors.
"Sir I'm gonna ask you to leave-
-OMG noo ACAB dirty cop BLM cool-
-shut the fuck up faggot-"
by A FUCKING GOOSE January 10, 2021
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modern term that stands for "all cops are bastards"


it means the system is bastardized and unfair; see the blm protests and George floyd, breonna taylor, ahmaud arbory etc. etc.
bruh why are you against cops they literally work so hard to keep you safe.
I'm mad that the system is based off of white supremacy and is more unfair to minorities. ACAB!
by condombanana October 19, 2020
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