A sweet young man who will never let your heart down and when u are down he will always cheer u up. He loves sports and is really smart and very cute
by Cupcakes1 May 5, 2019
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Davis is a ferda kid who has a huge dick and usually has long beautiful hair and is usually a hockey player
by My name is jay May 23, 2019
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sick asf never does uncool things bangs bitches all day and has a 3 inch punisher. Not to mention thinks that people named troy are incompetent degenerates.
i am davis
by Name Davis January 11, 2020
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A generic reference to someone who is contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Incorporates aspects of being a ponce, a hater and playa hater, with a cheeky to smug undertone.
Hey man, that smarmy git over there just tried to assert that Churchill was slim as a pole, for no reason but to irk me. Such a Davie"
by Pontifex Potens February 15, 2012
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A very sexy,athletic,tall guy.Has good hair and good with the ladies.Will take your girlfriend with his looks and money.
"Davi can you fuck me"
"I want me a Davi"

"Davi took my girlfriend"
"Davi is gonna whoop my ass"
by _40 November 6, 2016
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To make one's girlfriend who currently lives with them there roomate instead
"So now that you broke up with her how can you afford rent" "Easy i did the Davies"
by Double Dog2495 November 22, 2011
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A police officer or law enforcement agent.
Put on your seatbelt, there's a davy behind us
by irishbengal February 16, 2013
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