5 seconds of summer are an australian pop band who gained success at a young age because they posted mediocre videos of themselves on youtube and toured with one direction. they gained popularity at first because girls thought they were cute and could be a new boyband. they got world famous quickly because of the fans and attention that one direction brought on to them.
don't worry if you're going to be the next 5 seconds of summer, you'll still make a lot of money.
by escarno April 8, 2015
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When stuff you are eating falls on the floor, you have two options. You can pick it up and eat it, or you can throw it out. The five second rule is used when what ever falls is tasty, but you dont want to gross out your friends by eating something dirty. The five second rule, when imposed (usually along with a quick rinse or blow off) makes what ever you still want to eat socially acceptable to eat and void of all dirtyness. The 5 second rule may be be changed to the 10 second rule, the 15 second rul, or the "i have no clue how long its been there" rule.
guy one: dude, you just dropped your good tasting stuff
guy two: aww crap, butter move fast to make the five second rule. This stuff sure isnt good enough for a ten-er or a 15-er.
by Taynton July 10, 2004
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5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS) are an Australian band (not a fucking boyband) who enjoys teasing their fans and seeing them suffering. It consists of Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings, and Michael Clifford.
5 Seconds of Summer also called as 5sauce
by Ash5soAsh March 29, 2019
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If food drops on the ground, you're still allowed to eat it if it's only been on the ground for 5 seconds or less.
Person 1: Oh shit I dropped my pizza slice
Person 2: 5 second rule!
Person 1: *eats pizza*
by joveblue July 10, 2004
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When you drop a food on the ground, you have 5 seconds to pick it up before the germs come on it. After you do this, you blow or wipe off the food and eat it. This doesn't apply to sticky foods and dirty floors.
*drops food*
*Frantically picks it up*
*Blows and eats*
by Kweentoos June 13, 2023
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how long food can touch the ground before germs get to it
i wasnt going to eat this M&M but i just dropped it, 5 second rule!
by zoey July 11, 2004
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A rule that states a penis can touch anything for up to five seconds before the object is considered molested.
Husband: (poking dick against cosmetic mirror)
Husband: Look honey! It's kissing its reflection.
Wife: Urg! Stop molesting my mirror!
Husband: I'm not. 5-second rule! See. Smooch, one second. Smooch, one second. Smooch, one second...
Wife: (leaves to buy a new mirror)
by Happy Jam July 28, 2011
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