a: i’m not coming, i already have plans sorry!
b: k.
by waluigiissuperior March 20, 2019
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The perfect way to get someone annoying to shut up.

Normally used online, but can also be used in regular conversation .
Sarah: OMG HEEY!
Jim: hi sarah.
Sarah: How are you???
Jim: good, you?
Sarah: I'm doing reallly greaaat !
Jim: k
Sarah: ...
by RubydOne August 22, 2011
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The expression "k..?" is one of the most powerful and legendary weapons on the face of this planet. Originally concieved by the two sages known as dickzord and prozord, it remains in pursuit by thousands of government agencies and private collectors around the entire world. One mention of this fatal spell can easily overpower Voldemort's dumb crap.

However, there have been a few rip offs of the spell, such as "..k?", concieved by the ballzord hinsonhui. It is not even half as effective, often conjuring deep disapproval from the two original sages.

Also called a concut on occasion.
1. Sergei Djokolotov: Wanna play gunz?
Pandaboyx: No. School's tomorrow.
Sergei Djokolotov: k..?
Sergei Djokolotov: k..?
Sergei Djokolotov: k..?

Sergei Djokolotov: k..?
Pandaboyx: *no response*
Sergei Djokolotov: k..?

The world then exploded.

2. Harry Potter: That's it Voldemort! It's time for your plan to end!
Voldemort: Don't be so sure about that, boy! Avada Ked---
Harry Potter: k..?

This was how Harry Potter really ended.
by dlckz0rd August 25, 2009
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Used by some people when they lose an argument.
Random Person: Dude u suck hard

Kaglins: your mom sucked me harder.

Random Person: At least I have a mom.

Kaglins: k.
by vintx March 15, 2018
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Name of an Irish mafia crime syndicate that is primarily headquartered around Kensington & Allegheny Avenues in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
"K & A is the name of an infamous Irish crime syndicate located in Philadelphia.
by roamin'reporter May 27, 2009
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an extremely annoying comeback for something anyone says to you that you really dont want to hear, or care to hear .
Matt: Hey kevin your a piece of shit and i hate your guts.

Kevin: K
by Evan Smith 1992 November 21, 2008
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The 11th letter of the alphabet.
Fourth letter of the F bomb.
Prefix for kilo which equals 1000
People too lazy to spell "OK" use this letter instead.
A strikeout in baseball.
-.- in morse code.
Symbol for potassium in the periodic table of the elements.
If you see K, tell her I want some.
by 50 cent crack dealer July 31, 2003
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