A word when repeated enough times can annoy the hell out of anyone.
Random Person:*says Quack for the 20th time*


Random Person: Quack.
by Quack_Duk March 12, 2018
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To be a weird, gross, ugly child. This person is usually described as being irritating and straight ugly.
Dylan, stop being such a quack.
Dylan, your annoying me, you’re a quack.
by Jco1015 November 12, 2018
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Something you yell when a situation is overly cheesy or just plain stupid.
*cheesy,icky-romantic scene in Titanic* Quuuuuaaacckk!! This is the cheesiest bullshit I've ever seen!!!

* A dumb joke being popped in a stupid movie* Quack! That is so gay and not even funny.
by Quack quack! April 20, 2010
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Flatulence released from the anal cavity, which is powerful enough to project fecal matter at dangerous velocity onto the flatulator's undergarments. A strong wet fart. Otherwise know as a shart, these noisy explosions tend to have a distinct "quack" sound when released past the sphincter.
(ex 1) Shit ran down my thigh as a result of a disastrous quack.

(ex 2) Tony accidentally quacked while trying to light his fart, in this situation a basic joke had become oh so dangerous.
by iLOVEtwat May 22, 2010
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A quacks is someone who is lame. loser or a nerd . You don’t want to be a quack.
instead of going out with everyone, she stayed in and acted like a quack.
by Khellie June 24, 2020
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Similar to "Fives" or calling "shotgun", "Quack Quack Seatback" is a common way to lay short-term claim to a seat you're about to vacate when with a larger group. Sometimes shortened to "Quacks."
Person A: "Hey, you stole my seat."
Person B: "It's my seat now."
Person C: "No, he called Quack Quack Seatback. Move it."
by Joe G! January 4, 2006
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A term used by young children or people suffering from speech impediments, to describe cocaine.
"My dealwer is gonna gib me some quack!"
by High as duck April 29, 2020
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