To fire all eight shots of the M1 Garand. It was a WW2 rifle that is seen in games such as Call of Duty and Medal of Honor. Particularly used when desribing firing off the last few shots to get a reload in a game.
After 8 shots, the M1 Garand empties its clip with a distinct *PING*
by ViolentAJ November 16, 2004
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The latency between host and client, measured in milliseconds. This refers to the time it takes for a data packet to be received at the other end.
BUT, in Counter-Strike as described in the Reaps Excuse book 2002, awarded best excuses of the year. This is an abused term to describe the reasons of death.
(Dead)Reaps: OMFG MY PING FS!
(Dead)Reaps: would have 0wnd you if I had cable honest.
by Shadey May 27, 2003
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The online form of the phrase 'spread it'; to give an instruction to others that a certain piece of information (or in this case more likely a web link) should be passed around and shared amongst friends.
Here's my band's new EP, feel free to ping it around.
by peanutismint September 15, 2008
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My Daddy said pinging means: To be excited by biscuits.
Those biscuits had me pinging!
by Cassandra Floatswell October 16, 2010
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slang for cocaine. derived from the act of placing the corner of a credit card into the bag and 'pinging' the coke up ones nose.
'Yo lets hook up with Joe and get some ping!"
by jp January 22, 2005
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To send an electronic message on any device.
Ping me tomorrow and let me know when to pick you up.
by MF March 12, 2005
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a word used to arrouse someone or get their attention. usually used on a message tansmitting system called bbm.

While the word Ping!!! usually creates a buzzzzzzing noise when sent, it now also works on other mesage transmiting networks because even if it does not create the buuzzzing sound, people are still alarmed at its sight and will respond.

While it may or may not buzz and vibrate the current device at use, the word Ping can often make the receiver feel a vibration and tickle.


PINGING ex: i love pinging mady.

PINGED ex: i just pinged you victoria! does it tickle?

Victoria: PING!!!
Person1: ftw but guesss what!!!!?
Person2: WTF does that mean?
Person2: PING!!!
Person1: revenge you foe. btw i lab myself so dont get your panties twisted...
Person1: PING!!!


person2: dang flabit..
Person1: wheres the rabbit?
Person2: whaaaaaaaaaaa?
Person1: dang flabit, wheres the rabit? wheres my money? i think he stole it! ohh that bunny...
Person2: i dont undertand wtf u are saying so..:PING!!!
Person1: ROFL
by pingmebabyonemoretime April 24, 2011
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