When a bartender (or barback) goes into the small closet they call an office, and they take a line (or bump) of white powder (more specifically, cocaine)

Note: the door is typically halfway closed as they awkwardly lean over the keyboard/PC monitor
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A term originating from the 80s to mean cocaine.

Considered old fashioned in the 21st century, used most frequently by cops and older folk.
You better not have that Party Powder in your nose young man!”
by tttwattt July 16, 2022
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Easter eggs filled with baby powder to throw at people on holidays
powder egg bombs make great pranks
by porfkl June 21, 2011
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Some may prefer a simpler term such as 'ashes' but for those looking for the right term for all the right occasions we encourage you to use 'people powder'

NB - Not to be racked into lines and snorted.....this could be someone's grandmother you sick fuck!
I climbed through an abandoned cottage looking thing the other day where they used to cremate people....I got people powder all over me!
by Yolo1967 May 13, 2020
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its when someone is spoilt, reference to how they are getting baby treatment. (same way how babies get their asses powdered, and everything is being given to them)
powdered ass : its when someone is spoilt, reference to how they are getting baby treatment. (same way how babies get their asses powdered, and everything is being given to them)

Loser 1 :Ajay had pizza again today, just by asking!

Loser 2 :His ass is so powdered bruh..
by cheesecursor June 20, 2021
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One of many creative names for cocaine, equal parts Australian vernacular and plant cultivation humor.
Hey mate, you got any (sequentially; two sharp whistles, two back of the front teeth, tip of the tongue clicks, and two dual eyebrow raises) Charlie?

Come again?

Got any booger sugar?

Pardon moi?

Snow White?

Excuse me?

Rooting Powder?

Oh yes, right, cocaine. No worries.
by JJ Seldron May 11, 2021
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