extreme tag is the god of all tag games. to play youll need 5-9 people,mabe more dprendig on the group. first you choose the tager by playing

bubble-gum-bubble-gum-in-a-dish. the person who wins that is it, to play extreme tag no soft touches are allowed, only kicks, punchs, body slams, and nut punchs are allowed.also say tag when you attack someone. To make someone it you do one of the above, and also tag backs are allowed. tis is the game of pain often called convict tag.You can even throw certain objects, like books, shoes, and even heavy objects. the winner of the game is the one who isnt on the floor screaming in pain like alittle girl. cuation may cuase bruising, pain in arms, legs, groin, and chest...NO FACE SHOTS ALLOWED.
shit my arm , leg and chest hurt like balls man. why? dude i played extreme tage with the train and rocky yesterday!holy shit man you lucky your not dead!
by frozenrelic2 December 6, 2010
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when you and your lover spend the night together, only to make a pillow fort together and fuck in it.
hey babe, wanna come over tonight and have an extreme sleepover?? I got condoms if you got the pillows.
by God'sServant October 19, 2017
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When people around you RAGE soooo bad that you can feel the physical sensation of saltiness in your tongue.
by Diable-Vache November 7, 2019
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When the poop is streaming ouut of ones ass that hard it feels like its ripping ones anus in half
I’m having an extreme poopy stream
by Wild Warren December 12, 2020
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When someone leaves bite marks with the hickey
Man did you see that Extreme Hickey Nicole gave Jacob?
by Toothpick 2013 September 6, 2010
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