What Gacha Life children think is the funniest thing in the world.
gacha1: I identify as a toaster.

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A fun to play with Bath Toy!! (Needs an outlet and to be plugged in, before putting it in the tub)
"I just got the new Toaster Bath Toy!!"

"Dude, that's Lit!"
by MannCow August 15, 2017
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A electrical device that can be used to make toast from bread also good for going swimming with
Jack should go swimming with a toaster
by Toaster swimmer June 22, 2017
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A toaster, many times confused with a toaster oven, is a magical box of metal with two slits it the top. After placing two slices of bread through the slits and waiting for a minute or so, will shoot out your bread magically in a new, cooked form. Goes delicious with butter and jam. (Preferably strawberry jam)
My username.

Literally Just A Toaster
by Literally Just A Toaster August 30, 2019
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Noun : When someone behaves like a complete idiot
Andrew was a complete toaster when he sent that message at 5am
by Estepona September 19, 2018
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Someone who holds their phone on speaker phone like a piece of toast
by SazH June 10, 2023
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1. An Air Fryer
2. A machine used to cook different substances that are normally not able to be cooked properly in other conventional cooking methods, such as bread and waffles.
1. "You clearly don't own an air fryer!" Billy said, laughing maniacally as usual. Tom slapped him, "But I do own a toaster." he reminded.
2. All toasters do not toast toast, but in fact toast bread. Who in their right mind would retoast the toast that they just toasted in their toaster?
by Smugboi July 8, 2022
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