Grant is an amazing person. He is very competitive and loves to play sports. He is very athletic and very handsome. With brown flowy hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He is as sweet as candy to his loved ones but when one is awful to his girl he is a mad tiger waiting to attack his prey. When he likes a girl he will love them with everything. He will complement her and make her feel special. He buys her gifts and always lets her know her worth. This guy normally likes strawberry blonde haired girls with green eyes. They are usually destined together. You can never get over this dreamy abed guy. He always gives you a look that you just want to live in forever. He smooth personality and dreamy wink catches you off guard every time.
Grant came in with his sexy smile and levitating wink
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A completely normal boy.
Grant is a completely normal boy. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
by CoolCatsAin'tAverage March 25, 2022
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De•gen•er•ate - having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.

"Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas"
"My boy, Lane Grant Smith, hangs with the scum of society - they are all a bunch of degenerates. Breaks my heart"
by Not Your Daddy's Llama October 25, 2017
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A blonde guy who really loves fortnite and loves it so much that he would marry it and have a child with it.
Wow, that guy really loves fortnite. He must be a Grant Baker.
by My names Nona buisness May 9, 2018
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A young YouTuber with 1-2k soon to be 1-2 million
Brent- Hey remember when grant Montgomery was at a thousand subscribers?

Jason- Now he’s at 1 million
by Logan Reynolds August 7, 2018
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