The correct pronunciation for the name "Ely".
Hi Ely (E-Lie), how are you doing?
by vincinama June 24, 2021
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Another lie to cover up a previous lie that was detected.

A mild way of saying you are a liar.
I bought this item from this shop.... Boom! The shop doesn't know about it's existence.... Oooh! A delivery guy just brought it to me not quite long... I ordered it online.

Are u fucking kidding me? That's a complimentary lie... You want me to believe that shit!
by Lordblinkz February 5, 2022
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I made a sandwich on a hot sunny day, on side of the house and then somebody came up and asked for a piece and i said " i don't know you" and they said it look "juicy and succulent" and i said i'm bout to slide up in this house and eat it with some potato chips and then somebody stole it so i had to use my lie detective skills
by sweettitty May 23, 2018
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When someone avoids the truth in order to deceive.
Did she tell you she was cheating on you? Sorta, she used a tilted lie, to make it seem it seem like she was telling the truth.
by Slang555 January 16, 2011
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when Pinocchio's nose get's long enough to use as a second dick
-Did, you lie about cheating on me?
-No! Of course not. I was just at a friends house
(he was at an orgy party)
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Let's see...

Hym "Oh, I'm sure you would! I'm sure, as a matter of absolute certainty, that you would love for anything that spites me to happen to me and continue to happen to me until the end of time. But, to answer your question, when I lie I think 'How close can I get this to the actual truth? What's an easy, plausible lie to tell? How much do these two things need to intertact to make an effective lie? Can I rely on vaguery? Should I be avoidant?' And I usually know I'm going to need to lie long before I've actually lied. I decided to lie the second I did the thing I was going to lie about. I've articulated what I want many times. I want to be compensated for my contributions regardless of how small. I want to get my tooth fixed. I want the pressure in my skull to subside. I want to stop hearing the sound of a lymph node crunching inbetween the hinge of my jaw whenever I eat. I want whoever is mediating our little dialogue to be identified... Ummmmm I want a lot of things actually. I want that whore to suffer, obviously. I want the cripple to die by his own hand but NOT intentionally. I want him to forego his diabetes protocol and accidentally kill himself so I can say 'Ha! See!? That's why not let the retard do whatever he wants. He is retarded.' I want you to think of me as you're dying and know that no matter how much pain you're in, it's LESS than I would PREFER. Which gives a silver lining to your death and is more than any of you are doing for me.
I don't think how well I've argued has anything to do with anything here (And WHY do you sound like Matt again? Stop doing that). There is no version of 'Hym=>Retard&Whorez' you would ever buy. I think you've manufactured a scenario where everyone is using my arguments so that I'll say 'But everyone is using my arguments so they must be good' so you can draw a parallel between ☝️ that and that mongoloid brothel and say 'Well, then by that logic, all those whores are fucking the cripple, therefore, you're worse than a cripple.' It's just a perpetual slew of 'gotcha's' where the conclusion of 'MY OWN LOGIC' somehow leads to me not getting what I want. 'Secure in my masculinity' and 'Tolerant of women fucking that retard' are the same thing to you. They're synonymous to you. So, that's not a conclusion that you're drawing. It's no different than saying 'Your intolerance of those whores fucking that cripple instead of you is leading me to believe that you're intolerant of whores fucking that retard instead of you' Ummm... What else? I'm not going to lie to you... No, I don't care about the future. At the moment of my death, I'm no longer subject to time and, therefore, can assume the rest of time has occurred in my absence. What happened will have happened and you're all effectively dead with me. Your kids are dead with me. THEIR KIDS are dead with me. It's the same thing. But don't worry, I'll keep you guys alive as long as I can. Or, I guess, keep me alive or perish!
by Hym Iam June 28, 2023
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What percentage of the conceptual realm needs to be occupied by lies for reality to constitute an illusion?
Dr. Smarty-pants "A sin of omission is better than a sin of commission."

Hym "That's moral relativism."

Dr. Smarty-pants "Moral relativism is bad."

Hym "One of those two statements has to be a lie."
by Hym Iam July 23, 2022
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