An interracial double dutch rudder. Usually followed by a feeling of peace.
Yo, my guy Barry and I just Yin Yang Tugged in Nates apartment...felt good man.
by majorshake March 31, 2011
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when you have that one fat friend and you always pinch their stomach
man... avery is the best person to flubber-tug, he's big fattie
by the best lunch table here December 19, 2019
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A Tug and Duck is when you receive a hand job right before you cum you bend over and tug your penis as hard as you can until you cum.
You ask your girl to give you a hand job and when your about to cum you pull a Tug and Duck.
by Mr Prolapsed October 23, 2019
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The act of master-bating on an airplane. Most times in the bathroom of an airplane, can also happen at your seat. Can be used in many different grammar uses (adj, noun, etc.)
Tom: how was your flight?
Bill: Dude half way I got really horny and did a mile high tug!
Tom: Really! The girl next to you was that hot?
by Beauties February 20, 2016
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Using feces as a lube for masturbation.
When he ran out of spit Larry knew he might have to resort to a muddy tug to finish pumping one off.
by Marco Porno July 21, 2015
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Totally pointless , way to get out a conversation see example. SHOW STOPPER
Donald : "Coming to milk my cows?"

by Bob1966 December 7, 2009
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Two men playing tuggies back and forth until one of them is ejaculates. This one then takes a rolling paper, spoons the semen and some grass into it, and lights up the other man’s children.
Dog I so high yesterday after I lost Jamaican tug-o-war to my buddy Greg
by MikeWaz0wski January 31, 2022
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