a Betty that has an elevated appreciation for music and enjoys standing/sitting/positioning herself close to sound systems at live shows, not as a groupie for the band or artist, but rather to take in the total music experience.
"Check out the bass betty by the dj booth, she's totally zoning out to that four on the floor beat!"
by tintaelektralove August 1, 2014
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Someone who takes the fun out of things or makes it more calm in a funny situation lacking creativity
Omg don't be such a Bummy Betty
by Alpha male2000 July 28, 2017
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To masturbate to pornography on VHS or Betamax while rewinding it.
"You know what, I'm bored of just masturbating. I think I'll treat myself to a backwards betty tonight. Let me just dust off these VHS tapes I hid behind the water tank 7 years ago"
by Megaross August 27, 2014
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Burnt betty spaghetti is a person that is ugly and is burnt
P:OMG she is so ugly and burnt

M:lmao burnt betty spaghetti
by Meow..meow..b November 15, 2020
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A girl who has a big bobble head and looks just as dumb as she actually is
"Oh that girl, yea she's a Betty bobble head"
by Keirsten. October 11, 2016
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A challenge in which the participant(s) find 10 pictures/videos of actress Betty White at varying ages. The participant(s) must then have a sexual orgasm using each of the 10 pictures. The participant(s) have 3 days to complete the challenge.
“Hey, I heard Jerry completed the Betty White Challenge. It must’ve taken him forever to find those pictures.”
by FR4000 March 27, 2020
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A relative or friend who shamelessly asks insensitive and/or inappropriate questions usually pertaining to “the elephant in the room”.
Aunt Betty asked a same sex couple “who is on top”?
by Large Cranium July 9, 2023
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