A man who has sex with quite a few women in a short period of time. Usually back to back
Mna Jim is a real Serial Slayer
by The Captain Of All December 14, 2007
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Someone who eats and devours. Slays the house down on the constant. Never missed a day or popping pussy and never will.
Geto is an absolute slayer queen girl boss”

Go off slayer queen girl boss !!!”
by Slayerqueengirlboss October 6, 2023
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Slayer Kurwa - Polish sentence meaning, more or less "FUCKING SLAYER!". Usually used by 13 year olds, who want to impress their friends/daddy/mommy/brother/drug dealer in comment section on YouTube.
Guy #1 : Dude wanna go see Slayer?
by Madness2.0 September 4, 2017
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a man that had pussy 3 or more times a day
Jerry: Hey did you hear about that pussay-slayer
Me: Yeah he had blown 3 pussys today and yesterday ive! heard
by Your Creepy Uncle Gary April 13, 2017
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With the connection of the center-fuge of humanity and in the relativity of humanities intuition is Darwinism now on the other hand is the same being who is much more of a station than the aforementioned in tune with the longing for acceptance mainly associated with true mental illnesses such as down syndrome and retardedness. The being is born with the longing that usually is cause for deformation. But on some stroke of luck within the genetic lottery he hit the jackpot. Attributed as a God. This singular being is born amongst billions of souls. Jesus even spoke of the counselor that is to come during his life. And transcribed him as the third Elijah. He is also known to the Jews as Ruach-Ha-Kodesh.
I ran into the Donkey-Slayer the other day. Donkey-slayer dude; is a master.
by brightlyn August 5, 2016
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This is in the individual who literally survived massive homophobic attacks from the local natives in the urban culture. Be being bullied and threatened for being who he is, Open expressed intentions to vanquish entire way of life socially I’m politically launching the The social crusade of Trump Trash = Thug Trash and launching to the highest political authority of New York State and the city the “The Social Urban Reformation Project” to vanquish the toxicity of urban culture and preserve the liberal enlightenment urban culture.
Living in the Heights sucked when thug trash decided to make me feel like I didn’t belong because I couldn’t be myself. I took on the mandate and the mission exterminate take urban trash from time and space and expose the false bravado that is a “thug” ultimately in more ways than one. Between being enthroned as Dominican and becoming The Thug Slayer, The Washington Heights toxic culture was sterilized amd now a conquered satellite of the Olympian Terran Empire.
by CJ Stryker September 20, 2021
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