Successful Records dancer and the baddest b*tch in the world.
by Whocares69aboutit February 27, 2022
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Blaze, this name is usually given to a kid who is a douche-bag, jerk, and try hard. Usually the type of kid who thinks he gets all the girls, and begs for nudes from just about anyone. If you find someone with this name they most likely juul, in the school bathrooms, because they think there cool. If you ever encounter a “blaze” leave immediately, or you will have many regrets.
Omg, that guy is such a blaze
by Someone from Nolensville September 2, 2018
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1.People with the name Blaze are usually very funny. You only get one chance with (a person named) Blaze, however. If you betray them it doesn't go well. (The non-american version is Blaise)

2.Smoke weed

3. Fire
person 1: "Blaze is so funny!"
person 2: "Ikr"

person 1: "wanna go blaze?"
person 2: "yes ofc"

person 1: "Wow I saw the blaze on the news and it was CRAZY"
person 2: *nods*
by I ship everything February 20, 2020
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A term frequently used in the Baltimore area as well as East Harford county pertaining to something good.

An alternate meaning in this area is the act of getting high as fuck. I.E. being BLAZED.
"Yo that shits BLAZE!"

"He/She looks BLAZE!"

"Ay lets BLAZE son" -- "Im already BLAZED, but aight, as long as u payin"
by xoxo Jay Jay xoxo July 23, 2008
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A very caring loveable person, blaze may put themselves down but its just because they cant see what others do about them, they love hanging around there close friends and family and have a fun sense of humor and while blaze may be a bit demanding sometimes its with good reason. Once you have a blaze in your life you don't wanna let them go.
'Dude I just met this really cool person!'
'There name has to be Blaze right?'
'yea how did you know?'
by Blaze_Is_Lonely March 27, 2022
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When a dapper man looks so peng ting, like wearing a rose gold Audemars Piguet watch paired with a Barbour jacket in Selfridges, that people can't resist getting their hands on.
You can choose to be blaze and get mugged.
by BlazinSquad March 5, 2020
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Blaze is a smart thoughtful guy he has a HUGE personality and he is very strong. His max bench is five cheeseburgers. He usually does not get the guys but yet gets all the hose. He had great hair and great ass. His dad has not left.
Blaze is so cool “
“I know he is the bestest blaze ever.”
Holy sheet blaze is as hot as donkey sheet
by Blaze raz March 1, 2022
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