Some random world with magic, spoiler alert, Disney lied to you. Fantasy can be depressing, I'm making a whole gacha series based on fantasy showing how Disney is lying.
"Man Fantasy sure is happy."
"Bro you say other people's lives are fantasy yet they have depression."
"Can we get a coffee?"
by Evening Clouds July 20, 2023
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Guy 1: Final Fantasy II is bad because it has an unbalanced and quirky level system

Guy 2: then play the GBA port. Lol
by Gingerbreadbedhead March 10, 2022
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Fantasiers everyone should have/Fantasies everybody has. Its the groud floor of every phedophile in the world.
by Odden March 24, 2017
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A group (team) of possible sex partners that can be traded or changed as often as your libido does. Usually comprised of celebrities, but can also contain forbidden crushes and people way out of your league. Plus, even better than fantasy football, you can substitute players mid-game or even mid-play. You can have as many bench warmers as you choose, and you can even share players with other people's teams.
I started my favorite player, Channing Tatum, on my fantasy fuck team, but somewhere during the night, I called a substitution for Charlie Hunnam.
by cool-chick-a-rama September 27, 2017
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Someone who enjoys forcing others to do something or watching others be forced to do something
by rex itsblissard qutwo yt January 26, 2023
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An often underrated but worthy addition to the Final Fantasy series. It takes a couple play throughs to understand it’s genius.
Final Fantasy 8 is so underrated.
by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022
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