When you tap the desk to morse code with someone for answers on the test, mostly used on multiple answers questions
Guy: *tap* *tap* *tap* _________ *tap* *tap*
Guy 2: hmm, so it's question 3 and the asnwer is B, nice Morse Cheat man!
by HorseDongGiganticFuck April 15, 2018
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Gundam said to me “homie cheatizuru said, is that even a thing??
by Oumakichiiouma November 15, 2021
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A trick used by some unethical people in public places, such as buses, trains, or movie theaters in order to get a coveted seat: feigning any type of respiratory shedding (coughing, sneezing, clearing the throat) constantly in order to give another person the impression that the first person is ill. The other person's inclination would be to get up from the seat and look for another one elsewhere.
Hey Mike, I really want to get that seat by the window---I'll do some cheat shedding. Why should that doofus have a good seat and I can't?
by pentozali July 16, 2009
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(Verb) A synonym for jacking off due to the hand motion commonly used to reach a step goal on your Fitbit

Synonyms) Code 3, Jacking off
I can’t go out tonight, I’m grounded after my mom caught me Cheating your Fitbit
by Anonymous0902 June 2, 2018
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Term from the metro Atlanta area. A way of expressing that something is shady or not credible. Usually used to describe people who are fake as hell. Calling someone cheat is like calling them a poser.
"Bruh, that dude was hella cheat... how he gonna say he can dunk when he is 5'2"

"He was full of himself"
by hotboiATL June 15, 2015
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KayShawn is a horrible cheater and crybaby

KayShawn is not cool #PowerToTheWomen
by PinkkyBear May 14, 2021
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whatever you did, it's cheating, bro. the internet aint gon give u an excuse.
"You kissed her? That's cheating, bro."
by notok_at_all September 3, 2022
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